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Hair as become thick, dark, coarse and wiry over past years, with some bits left soft and smooth.

(I have labelled this as hair loss because it was the closest topic to my problem, but I haven't actually had any hair loss whatsoever).

Over the past 3/4 years my hair (on my head) gradually become coarse, wiry, dry and very dark and very, very thick. I'm not just talking in the sense that a girl would say 'oh my hair is so dry', I'm saying my hair is so dry that it feels like a welcome mat by the front door and each strand of hair is so thick, they're probably about three times as thick as a normal hair that I've seen.  
I am 18 now, and this started when I was around 15.

My hair was always very soft, straight and of a light brown colour until about 3 years ago.

It actually looks very unhealthy, and one hairdresser even asked if I'd been treated for Alopecia because that's how it looked.
It looks extremely unusual, as each strand is so incredibly thick and has lots of 'kinks' (as in it curls and bends randomly and very sharply, not like normal curls) in it, it is also very dark, which looks strange because I am quite fair skinned and really do not suit dark hair, as I don't believe it's my natural colour.

In the past year it has actually got better, as in straighter and less frizzy, but it still looks very strange and it still has my confidence shot to pieces. People at school would call me 'carpet head' (they didn't realise it was really getting me upset, they were just joking around at the time).

I have no idea what the cause of this problem is, but I have just kept quiet about it until now because I thought I would just have to live with my new hair as it was just the way things were. However, now I am convinced it's not normal hair and that's there's something wrong with me.

One thing that's strange though is that there are small parts of my hair that are perfectly normal, notably the hair by my temples on either side as it grows from my parting towards my forehead.
In these parts the hair is soft, straight and feels very silky, as thought it was like my old hair. This hair has been there for as long as I can remember and hasn't changed in texture like the rest of my hair.

I used to straighten my hair, but haven't in about 2 years and I only use shampoo + conditioner and nothing else, no unusual products.

I have booked a thyroid test to see if that could be related but I am not sure because I haven't had any hair loss whatsoever, but I have had symptoms like depression and fatigue.

It may we worthy to note that about 3 years ago, before my hair became like this, I did dye my hair. However, if there was any damage from that I would expect it to be fixed by now?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, and I could get pictures if really needed. Thanks.

16 Responses
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I used NuhairRX ON  scalp everyday.Seems to be working  well....
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I'm 21 and I've been having the same problem. I have very long blonde hair, and I've been dealing with really coarse scraggly dark hairs almost longer than my normal hair. If anyone find a solution to this problem please email me. I love my hair, but I can't style it without one of those hairs sticking out.
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I am a 27 year old male with short hair. I have this same issue. I have wiry/bent hairs that seem to grow in all directions. Even after I get a hair cut. Some hairs seem to stick out, almost as if they are longer than the others, but its probably just the fact that they bend and twist in different directions. I had a blood test recently, but my doctor only tested for TSH and not the whole panel. I was within range (0.80) the reference range was like 0.40-4.50 mIU/L. I am thinking of seeing another doctor but I am unsure. Maybe I should see a dermatologist? On my blood test, my immunoglobulin E (IgE) were also out of range. Kind of high. my doctor didn't seem to really care about the results. If anybody could help me I would appreciate it. I have a hard time combing my hair in the morning. Even though I add gel, I still get hairs that bend and stick out. It's strange because my hair started changing in texture slowly in the past year or so. I don't remember having this problem before. I fear that its a thyroid issue, but I know if I go to a regular doctor he or she will think I'm crazy. I also have problems with my ear. It's almost like I hear liquid crackling near my Eustachian tubes. I've had that for 2+ years as well. I've been to ENT doctors with no solutions. I don't know what to do anymore. Nothing seems to work.  
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19228857 tn?1474290923
My hair is also coarse and thick and damaged. It's short because I abused it, and I want it long again. I love highly brands products usually, but nuhairrx serum works even better: my hair is healing and growing. The smell of nuhairrx product is fantastic, as well.
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Hello Strands of Time
I am enquiring on behalf of somebody who is suffering in the way you describe that you were. They have been to doctors and specialists and nobody seems to be able to help or even enlighten, nor explore, and this is the only thing I could find identifying the same symptoms. He has been suffering for over 3 years now and has coarse, wiry hair anyway and so around his hairline is particularly severe and badly affecting his skin. He was diagnosed with hypothyroidism around the beginning of this time, but nobody, including his thyroid specialist, will entertain any possible link. He is now very distressed and past desperation point and this is the only lead we've got.
I was wondering whether you would possibly help us if you didn't mind, and was hoping maybe, if you could tell us a little more about what diagnosis you were given and what tests were done to establish it, what treatment you received, and in short, how you got better really. Even if you could point me in the right direction of a doctor/specialist who would be able to actually help and I could pass that on? If you preferred not to divulge too many details in a public forum then I would be happy to email you and can also elaborate on his symptoms further etc if helpful.
Thanks ever so much, you've no idea how much it would be appreciated!
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11746284 tn?1449567413
i have the same except that i missing a looot a lot of locks withinthe procedure and had headaches before in the same places that has dropped and expanded back again perverted difficult ...... its headaches ..
i think am going to see a dermatologis as Caryopteris recommended ..
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I have had the same kind of change lately. It's sporadic strands throughout. Less then %5 I would estimate. My hair is blonde and fine but I keep finding very dark brown course hairs. I had looked it up before and found that hair changes texture as you age but this post makes me worry.
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I've had the same problem with my hair for a number of years. It's started out as kinks in my hairline just above my forehead. Slowly more strands began to kink while the rest of my hair appeared normal. As time passed, the rest of my hair slowly began to kink & wrinkle. It seemed to spread along the hairline, eventually encircling the entire hairline towards the back of the neck.My mother asked if I was getting curly hair in my 30's? I just laughed, but I was quite concerned about the changes.

By the time I entered my 40's my beautiful soft locks were becoming a thing of the past. I had to keep my hair shoulder length & hair-clipped up everyday so people wouldn't see the messy kinky hair look. I could barely comb my hair due to the kinks & feared that if I did it would fall out.

By the time I hit my 50's it became impossible to comb my hair. Each hair strand would bend & twist among other strands making it impossible to brush. All I could do was finger comb softly & pull apart the strands gently. At this point the hair strands had thinned which caused each strand to twist even tighter. This resulted in the strands easily popping out of the hair follicles with the least amount of pressure.

Finally, during many complaints of what seemed like unrelated heath symptoms, a specialist diagnosed my symptoms as being hypothyroid. Although, surprisingly my lab numbers were much closer to normal than many others, still the tests combined with the symptoms told the story.

The specialist related the hair strand changes to hormone changes involving the thyroid gland. He also, asked why I had waited so long to be referred to him since he could tell that I had had this disease for some time. Also, the joints in my small bones had begun to twists much like the hair strands. The specialist told me that it could have been prevented, or slowed drastically, if I had come to see him sooner and started medication. I explained that it all started with my bangs kinking & twisting weirdly while my general practitioner was seemly uninterested.

I apologize the long story but it's been a slow progressive disease process that covers almost 30 years. And since that time the medical community has changed the standards on the lab test for thyroid levels by lowering them which allows a physician to begin treatment earlier.

I hope this is helpful to you, or anyone with the same concerns, or symptoms. Also, keep in mind that the chances are when the first small area of hair strands changed (near the center of the forehead) it's very unlikely that my lab test would have read outside of normal limits. There's nothing that can be done at that early stage, but just be aware of what may follow and have lab test performed every 3 to 5 years.
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Did you ever find out what it was? I am hypothyroid and have AGA. I have a lot of these weird kinky irregularly bent hairs and a section of my bangs is really frizzy now. I can't find any answers. Any help would be appreciated.
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Did you ever find out what it was? I am hypothyroid and have AGA. I have a lot of these weird kinky irregularly bent hairs and a section of my bangs is really frizzy now. I can't find any answers. Any help would be appreciated.
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i have the same thing except that i lost a looot a lot of hair inthe process and had a headache before in the same areas that has fallen and grown back kinky hard ...... its a nightmare ..
i think am going to see a dermatologis as Caryopteris suggested ..

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i have the same thing except that i lost a looot a lot of hair inthe process and had a headache before in the same areas that has fallen and grown back kinky hard ...... its a nightmare ..
i think am going to see a dermatologis as Caryopteris suggested ..

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Did you ever figure out the cause of the problem?  I have the same issue and it drives me crazy.  Not my whole head but around my windows peak and the crown of my head
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My hair has actually improved quite a lot now. I have stopped washing it so much and I sometimes wear a hat for a while to keep it down after I've had a shower. It looks much more 'normal' nowadays.
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I see your comment is a couple years old, but I am very curious how your hair condition is now?
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1340994 tn?1374193977
Have you seen a dermatologist?  I'd talk to my primary care doctor certainly.  You may need hormones checked, a check for celiac disease, thyroid disease, not sure what else.  But it is true that our hair does signal other health problems a lot of the time.  If your diet needs improvement, you can immediately start eating more fruits, vegetables, organic meats/fish/poultry, and consider taking supplements.  
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