3123787 tn?1384180687


I was wondering if just a regular MRI, will show if i had an anurism? Ive had over 30 years of cronic cluster headaches of the Horton type, so i was use to this dredfull pain in my eyes, but this ws first time ever blood came out of my right eye, & nose. I looked in my discharge paperwork, but it mentioned NMS?, but they were giving me Abilify?, which seemed to make me worse. My walking, double eye vision, & black print , had diffent colors to it? I checked myself out, & they told me to continue with their so called cure? Weeks later, i started getting really bad pains next to my brain, but inside the ear canal? It got so bad, pain med, didnt work that well, so i turned my oxygin on , around 9 liters, & that worked! I thought i was dieing, cas flies were hovering over me, till i got a lil better, & put up a fly trap. I do not know, but i thought maybe this could be hydrocephalus, cas it felt like blood, or some type of liquid. It even spread to the other side? Ive been trying to get my doctor to refer me to a neuro-surgeon, & just found out i am scedualed to have an MRI, without contrast! They orig. told me it ws goin to be with contrast. I cant get any answers?, just pain medicine? I dont get it? Why cant i get a neuro- surgeon to do proper testing? I have 100 percent insurance that i pay for. Im worried they might be doing a wrong test, & if i need better testing later on, my insurance co. might deny me, cas ive had a lot of cat scans, & mri's in past year, but no one will give me results? Ive been patient, & nice, but i feel like i want to explode! I use to have a good neurolist, but he passed on, & his main worry was me having an anurism, if i did not stop painting interiors of trains, without ventilation. Since last attack, i got droopy eyelid, gait, hunchback, shorterm memery, puking every morning, unless i do meds. ,& lately my memory is getting really bad(short term), & right side pins, & needles, numness. Should i go for the plain, MRI, without contrast, & waste my insurance, or should i cancel test, & get some other type of test? Thank you!!!
Best Answer
351246 tn?1379682132
You need to wait for the MRI to get a clear picture. Meanwhile, you need to consult an eye specialist and rule out eye related causes of pain and bleeding from eyes. Aneurysm in brain is unlikely to cause an eye bleed. Having color vision is often a sign of glaucoma. This needs urgent diagnosis and treatment. Please consult an eye specialist or go to ER immediately and have them call an eye specialist on duty. Take care!

The medical advice given should not be considered a substitute for medical care provided by a doctor who can examine you. The advice may not be completely correct for you as the doctor cannot examine you and does not know your complete medical history. Hence this reply to your post should only be considered as a guiding line and you must consult your doctor at the earliest for your medical problem.
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3123787 tn?1384180687
Dear Dr.
I cannot thank you enough for answering my question! First of i did go to 1 of the best eye doctors, connected to 1 of the better hospitals in the area. To begin with i knew there ws something wrong with my eyes, when i was at the first hospital, cas i went on line, & noticed the black print, was different colors, like every other letter? I asked my brother, if he saw what i saw? He said , no! It is all black print. Next day same thing, only another color was added?(so now im seeing 3 different colors) I get out of the hospital, & my vision is perifial, & with the sun out, the road looked double vision like, & the sun, made it even hurt! Im sorry, i forgot to mention before i even went to the first hospital, my vision was 6 times. Example, I only had 1 cup, but i go to pour my coffee, in the cup, but i see 6 diffent cups, blurry. This happenned after a week of the horrific cluster headaches. Luckily i brought my brother up 3000 miles to witness, what i figured was death. (the pain ws so bad, until i got my oxygen straightenned out. I wont get into that) I am having a hard time, even composing this letter, cas i woke up this morning, & my vision is going on right side, & i saw some greenish crap on right side of the eyeball?!!
My big, mistake was i showed this eye clinic, paperwork from the last hospital, & in it ws some crap about NMS. Then, they asked me where i got the litature from, & i told them, it was in my hospital paperwork release. Also there ws a paper in it that said, DNR.( I DIDNT GIVE PERMISSION FOR THAT!) I wish i had room to tell you the whole story, but, back to my eye issue. All of a sudden i had 4 eye specialist, all looking at my eye! OK, Ready? They told me, it was my eye glasses!!!. Im not very intelligent, but i am not stupid! Those were new eye glasses, for 1 thing. So, i went to a private eye clinic, & had a Japenese eye doctor, give me a second opinion. 1st thing she said, was i had cateracts! I told her, i knew it!! That confused her, so i told her what had happenned, so she got a little up-tight, & i gave her my original eye doctor, & she told me, she would call him. I go back, for the second part of test(glacoma), & she starts to go over some of the report with me, & there ws another report, which i had brought with me, & it was from an eye clinic, in the Filipines, but she thought it ws from my other last eye doctor in the USA.(Im prob. confusing u) OK, I get a letter in the mail from the nice Japenese eye doctor, & she said, i ws a good candidate, for glacoma! I went back to the first eye specialist(who already knew i went for this second opinion, cas she had contacted them, & my first eye doctor, who obviously didnt want to get involved with telling the truth, & i dont blame him.) SO, back to the first place, that tried to cover-up, the first hospital, by saying, it was just my new eye-glasses. This time he admitted, i had cateracts, & my glacoma was just fine? Maybe in a few years, i might need some work on the glacoma, & if my droopy eyelid got a little worse, he would suggest, cosmetic surgery, so i could see better. The eyelid is almost down to the little eye thing in ur eyes, u know, the thing that tells u the color of ur eyes.
I again, want to apologise for being so stupid, BUT, I was not like this before the whole incident! I emailed the first eye specialist, that was covering up for the other hospital, & he did call me back?!!, & to my surprise, he told me if i thought it was getting worse to come back. Why did he , & all his interns have to lie to me? I rather have the Japanese eye specialist, who told me the truth, but she told me i ws just a good candidate fr glacoma. I also told her the sun lite makes it worse, & she told me, well at least winter is coming. I think it has been, like 5 months, now, & i had eye plugs installed, & still, every morning my vision gets worse, by the day. I am so happy u told me what i always new in the back of my mind!!! BUT??? PLEASE!!!,  Tell me, or let me know, asap! 2 things! THE 1st question, DOES IT MATTER IF I GET A MRI, without contrast? I was told i would be getting brain mri, with contrast, & i called them, & they told me, 'NO'. Doctor orderred mri, WITHOUT CONTRAST! Only reason, i wanted it with contrast ws i am asystomatic! I can be really sick, & ill, but not show any signs.(im sure u knew that word!) SECOND, question, is my EYE!!, Should i wait till i go blind, or get my vision fixed, asap? (that is why i went to the second eye specialist, cas i knew the first place ws not upfront with me) THIS MEANS A LOT TO ME!! I, even contacted 1 of the leading hospitals in the United States, & talked to them about my neurolical brain problem, & they told me, that in my state, we have a good neuro-surgeon. I even called the Brain insitute, & they sent me all the litature, that i already ws pretty sure i had. OK, BACK TO THE SAME QUESTION! Does it matter, if i have a reg. MRI, or should i have, a MRI, With contrast? (NOTE, I HAD CLOGGED ARTERIES FOR OVER 10 YEARS, & passed my stress tests. BUT, WHEN , THEY ordered contrast, i flunked the stress test, that is why i am asking you if it matters., My primary care doctor, or his nurse wont give me a referal to the neuro-surgeon!) We r in the United States, & it is a lot easier to try to write me off as dilutional. I am not even close to dislutional! I knew there ws something wrong when i saw those 6 cups of 1 cup, & the different colors of print on the computor, & i caught right on, when the first specialist, tried to say my eyeglasses were not normal?!! This has been going on way to long, & i wait ur professional opinion, patiently, doctornee, before i board a plane to Clevelandclinic, (1 of the top 5 hosp. in the USA) I can not thank you enough for ur professional opinion! Currently doing high doses of 1 of the strongest pain meds out their, just so i can function. Cleveland hosp. sorta warned me, it might be better to get outside state medical care, as did another neurolist, local. We r in the 21st century, & i should be able to get the truth. I get better care, in a third world country! I want to thank you SO, SO much!! I hope you can answer my 2 last questions! Sincerely, Steven
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3123787 tn?1384180687
It is really bad! Today is, APR.7th, 2013. My eye site starting to get a little better, after 3 hours of wakenning. I am trying to hold on, till tomorrow, hav my mri, & doctors appointment. WOOPS, vision is cloudy again, my heart aches,  I got a week left, if lucky. Thank God, FOR my high belief in upper faith,(fate) but it is time. This all started over 3 years ago, on my right side, when my baby woke up crying for her ba-ba, & thats wen i noticed the whole right side with throbbing pain. Went to the doctors, & told him it was a blood clot.(I already had a stent in me, from back in 2007) OH, iAM starting to feel a little better from praying, & doing an aspirin, & a valium. I went to ER, over 7 months ago, with ANurism symptoms. Passed out, from pain, & woke up in the mental ward? I ws shocked that my neurolist did not even come visit me? Had an appointment with him. Guessing, they thought i was goin to die, cas they filled out a DNR form. Next day i woke up, & a team of specialist came in(my broth. ws with there with me. I told the 2 head doctors, they were crazy, & non of their interns, even believed in them, esp., 'her'! She happenned to be a young, CHINESE intern. I unitencially embarrased her, but she snuck in, & checked my eyes out, (but kept silent) dont blame her! She had a full career ahead of her, & im sure she ws there on scolerships. By now u must think i am crazy, but i did have a anuerism, & it burst. It is worst possible pain ever. I knew something ws wrong wen my vision was doubling, & the color change, & perifial disturbances. I managed to stay alive, still after 7-8 months, but not sure how many days i can hold off. I want to finish my will, & so on. This morning ws worse, & i almost called ambulance, but i see now, i am good for another day, as long as i take a few naps. I am sorry to be laying all of this on you, but i do want to thank you. It is not just my vision. My heart, & tingleling on my right side. They had to know about it at the hospital. Why would they fill out the paperwork, on DNR?! I just wanted to thank you, & hope i have a tomorrow! I do not suffer from panic attacks. & etc. I do not have somatic fears. I was very happy to meet such a wonderful person as urself! Old saying , about perfection, few people ever reach it, usually in there 80's, & then they die. I didnt reach 80, & i dont think i will! Thank you, wish u the best, & always remember, u r never to old to learn something new! With regards, Steven
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351246 tn?1379682132
I am sorry to hear you are suffering so much.  Since I am not sure regarding the exact nature of your problem, I cannot really suggest anything. However, yes, contrast MRI can give a better picture of brain pathology then plain MRI. Whether it is really required or not cannot be said. Tingling numbness etc can be related to a brain pathology. However, if you have ‘clogged arteries’ in the periphery—known as deep vein thrombosis, then this too can cause similar symptoms. It can also be peripheral neuropathy. You need a detailed clinical examination both neurological and eye related and a psycho-neurological test to assess your stress levels. Hope you find your answers at Cleveland clinic.
Take care!

The medical advice given should not be considered a substitute for medical care provided by a doctor who can examine you. The advice may not be completely correct for you as the doctor cannot examine you and does not know your complete medical history. Hence this reply to your post should only be considered as a guiding line and you must consult your doctor at the earliest for your medical problem.
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