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A skin reaction after shaving, is it an allergic one?

Ok, so I don't know if this is common or not. Anytime I shave my legs I have this crazy reaction. It is so embarassing and I don't know how to fix it. It looks like I have razor burn all over my skin but I don't think that that is what it is. It gets really red and these bumps start to rise. It even causes white heds sometimes. I know it is common to see pores but this ridiculous and embarassing. Do I just have really sensitive skin. Please help.
2 Responses
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746512 tn?1388807580
Try using a different shaving gel.  I get it sometimes and switched to just using dove soap to shave with because I react to everything else.  Even then if I try to shave too often I still get a reaction.  
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242588 tn?1224271700
You are most likely having an allergic reaction to whatever shaving cream or lotion you are applying to your legs, assuming you are using a safety razor.  It is also possible that you do have extra-sensitive skin and the skin response is to mechanical irritation from the shaving device you are using.  You might want to switch to a “non-allergenic” shaving cream/lotion product.  On the mechanical side be sure to avoid using any razor that is not ultra-sharp.
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