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Achy throat from coughing hard from mucus in chest

On Saturday (about 3 days ago), I was coughing hard and bringing up some white to clear mucus after I took a syrup that's an expectorant, decongestant, and an antihistamine that my GP prescribed to me. I'm also getting over a sinus infection and just finished taking antibiotics as well. After I finished coughing hard, my throat (near my adam's apple) feels achy and feels weird when I swallow. I feel the weirdness when I'm swallowing the food and the sensation hangs around for 20 minutes or so.  My breathing is fine by the way.  I've been drinkng hot tea to help soothe it which seems to help.  I've also got some honey throat drops that seems to help as well.  It hasn't gotten worse but it's more of an annoyance more that anything.   Could have I coughed too hard and hurt my throat?  If so, when will it get better?  A week?  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.

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Hi, thanks for the information.  If I did cause a tear to the lining of my throat, how can I help the healing process?  I did take a couple of days off of work so I could rest more.
I don't have any of the symptoms you mentioned.  I don't even have any swelling that I can tell.
When I wake up in the morning, I feel fine.  Then, I eat something and that's when I feel the discomfort with the swallowing unless it's something in more of a liquid form like soup or yogurt or something in that nature.  

Thanks for your help,
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242588 tn?1224271700
It is possible that the harsh coughing may have caused a tear in the lining of your throat or damaged or dislocated one of your voice-box (larynx) structures.  If there is a tear and you truly have no other symptoms, this should resolve spontaneously, in a few more days.  If, however there is no sign of resolution in 3-4 more days or if you do have other symptoms such fever, choking or cough you should see a doctor, an ENT specialist, to have direct examination of your throat, with a fiberoptic laryngoscope.

Good luck
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