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Advair leaving system after 3 years

how long does it take advair to get out of your system after being on it for 3 years(250  twice a day)?  I just quit advair and doing other alternative medicines to help me.
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Thank you so much!!!  You answered my question.  I have found a great alternative and am doing very well.
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242588 tn?1224271700
Advair™ Diskus® (fluticasone propionate and salmeterol) Inhalation Powder contains 2 medicines.  The inhaled steroid Flovent® (fluticasone propionate) has a half life of around 5 hours, so it would be totally out of your system in a few days.  The inhaled long-acting bronchodilator Serevent® (salmeterol) has a similar half life, so it would be totally out of your system after 5 days.

When steroid side effects occur, they may linger for weeks or even months after the medicine has been stopped.
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