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Anxiety attack

2 days ago i had a very bad anxiety attack. I called the ambulance because i thought i was going to stop breathing.. I was meant to go to the doctors but because of the public holiday everything was closed. I just wanna know will i need medication for my anxiety. I feel it coming on every night and especially when i lay down in bed to go to sleep. I also had asthma when i was a kid. I don't want my anxiety to take over my life. Its the worst feeling. I want to know what i can do to stop it.
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242587 tn?1355424110
It is possible that your anxiety is a manifestation of recurrent asthma that can occur without typical symptoms such as wheezing.  You should have a medical exam for asthma and if that is not it, you should either try to speak with a friend or talk to your doctor to get a sense of what is going on in your life that might be making you anxious.  Many times it is difficult to identify a likely cause and, in either case, you might benefit greatly from medication treatment for your anxiety.

Good luck
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You're not alone, so many people suffer from anxiety/panic and extreme worry disorder. I do as well. After many years, i have learned to cope without meds. I do not like how i feel on medication. If you focus your attention on ANYTHING, besides the fact that you are or think you are having an attack, it will pass much quicker. If you are talking about it/worrying about it or thinking about it, it manifest to the point you believe you are dying. Trust me i know. Try calling a friend or relative or talking to your partner about the weather, future plans, goals etc. Always works for me.. i also have a partner who completely gets me and knows to get my attention on something else. Best of luck to you, if you need to chat, email me crissy_mosley***@****
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