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swelling lips

My lips and areas around my face are swelling with a "tingly" feeling.  My guess is hives.  Just wondering what could be causing this (it has been happening occasionally (2-3 times per month) for the last several months.  Are their any over the counter products to help this?  I can't go out of the house looking so incredibly distorted!!
Thank you very much!
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242588 tn?1224271700
Hives are extremely common.  You may or may not have hives.  The individual skin lesions of hives, also called urticaria, are pink to light red, blanch with pressure, and are raised above the surface of the skin.  The center of the lesions may be paler than the leading edge.

There are literally dozens of causes of hives.  Hives limited to a specific anatomical location suggest direct contact with an allergen, for example, lipstick or lip gloss, moisturizing cream, make-up, soap, sun-screen, or fabric softener when a blouse, shirt or sweater is pulled over one's head.  However, hives due to foods can at times be limited to the lips, face or tongue.

You should take a self-inventory of foods and any substances topically in contact with your face and lips.  You may then have to engage in a process of elimination.

Over the counter antihistamines can help relieve hives or other allergic skin disorders but many of these are sedating.  Non-sedating anti-histamines are also effective but require a prescription.
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Just re-read my comment and wanted to make sure I was clear that the products mentioned caused the swelling!
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My husband's lips swelled like that and we learned it was aspirin and ibuprofen products . . . hope this helps, may God bless you . . .
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