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Constant coughing related to asthma and allergy

I am a 20 year old college student.  I have had asthma since I was 6 years old.  Every time I have gone home for more then 3-4 days I have reaction to something either my cat or my parents cigarette smoking.  As I return to college I have a constant cough for a week or so.  The first break thats all it was, was a cough with light constant asthma.  The second break I completely lost my voice for a week, coughed a lot and had constant asthma.  This time it is a constant cough with asthma and I've been running a slight fever 99.6-100.5 for the last 3 days. My inhaler does not help the light asthma ever, its just false hope something will work. Is there anything I can do to help get rid of my cough and fever?
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A related discussion, Recent diagnosis for Asthma + cough+nasal drip was started.
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i have had a cough and sore chest off and on for three years. I think it is getting worst all the time. The Doctors checked for asthma but it was negative. The cough is so bad that my voice has never been the same since. Sometime I find it hard to push out my voice to say the words I want. I am tired and don't feel good please help
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242588 tn?1224271700
The borderline temperature elevation may be a sign of a respiratory infection superimposed on asthma, in addition to the irritation from cigarette smoke and possibly cat allergy.  If there is an infection, it is likely to be viral and will resolve spontaneously within a few days.  Your exposure to passive cigarette smoke and likely cat allergy are serious problems for anyone with asthma.  You should have a candid discussion with your parents regarding how their cigarette smoke is harming you and your lungs.  You should also request that the cat be kept out of your bedroom.

In addition, you should avoid sitting on any carpets or upholstered chairs.

Avoidance of irritants and allergens is the best approach for people with asthma but it sounds like that may not be possible, in your current situation.  Your inhaler may be inadequate for the challenge of these precipitating factors.  You should consult with your doctor and ask if additional medicine, including a steroid inhaler might be indicated, at least while you are at home.

Good luck.
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