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Constant wheezing, sleep apnea ruining my life, please help!

Dear Doctor,
I've been wheezing for 6 months now since I developed a throat/sinus infection that didn't respond to antibiotics, amycin, flagyl, levaquin, amox.  I took 6 weeks of amycin because I read it can cure asthma in some cases before.  the ENT said it wasn't VCD, my throat looked red- I have a narrow airway
I have bad sleep apnea with headaches and terrible fatigue, and can't think after bad nights; it's really destroying my life.  Thanks so much!
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thanks very much!  unfortunately somehow I have central apnea with asthma it seems so cpap didn't work for me and I'm on this ventilator and oxygen
I don't have any heart or brain issues that some people with centrals have
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242587 tn?1355424110
The first step should be for your doctors to determine the cause of your wheezing.  It is most likely to be asthma as asthma can be initiated by a bad respiratory infection, but that must not be assumed for there are a number of lung diseases that can mimic asthma, at least as far as wheezing is concerned. A  Pulmonary Function Test and a Chest X-ray and possibly a Methacholine Challenge could bring more certainty to the diagnosis of asthma.  To accomplish such an evaluation, you may benefit from consultation with an Asthma specialist, either a Pulmonologist or an Allergist.

That your “throat looked red” would also raise the possibility of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) that has definitely been associated with both VCD and Asthma.

The Sleep Apnea, not surprising, given that you “have a narrow airway”, is a very treatable problem.  It is responsive to treatment with positive air pressure (CPAP) and with a newly released device that consists of nasal plugs that have a one way valve.  This is a treatment that you should definitely discuss with a Pulmonary Specialist, preferably one who specializes in Sleep Medicine.  There is no reason why you should go through life with “headaches and terrible fatigue”, and allow those things to ruin your life.

Good luck
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