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bizarre symptoms

This may not be precisely asthma or allergy related, I dont know.  7 years ago, I moved into the attic bunk of a large house built in the late 70's.  There is lots of loose pink insulation in the outer part of the attic, I have a seperate central heat and air system from the rest of the house, nobody breathes the same air as me.  The air ducts travel thru the roof of the attic which in the summer can get to 120 degrees out there.  The roof has been leaky here and there, so maybe there is mold somewhere, I don't know.    It's impossible to tell.   But, I don't really have frequent sinus infections.    My symptoms are chronically swolen turbinates without runny nose (dry),  chronic 24/7 dull headache, tight forehead,  feelings of breathlessness, palpatations, fatigue and lightheaded episodes.   I have had many many tests and evaluations with neurologists, ENT's, and cardiologists with nothing obvious revealed.     My symptoms did start not long after I moved into here and gradually got worse as time went by,  however I have left for as long as 5 days once after I got really really sick 3 years ago and my symptoms didn't improve.
Is there anythign in this story to make you believe my environment is doing this to me?   I am grasping for straws, as you can see.
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what it sounds like  to me is vasomotor rhinitis. Swollen turbinates- do you have post nasal drainage, thicker type down the back of your throat?  I had about 50,000 dollars worth of testing also.  Allergy tests, shots. mri's, sweat test, every test you can think of -all negative. Nasal steroid sprays, nasal rinses, oral steroids. I am so sick of these tests and expense and then i hear "vasomotor rhinitis" --NO CURE for this. It sure can make a persons life miserable but the doctors do not do reasearch on this because it is not Life Threatening like cancer or dementia etc.  But until a person lives in our shoes, they don't  have a freakin idea what it is like.  sorry so negative, I had this 6 years now and all I hear is drink alot of water, nasal steroid sprays, nasal rinses for the rest of my life. All irriitants effect vasomotor rhinitis indoor and outdoor.  Might as well live in a freakin bubble,  Life just plain sucks after getting this.  My life use to be so GOOD and I felt wonderful.  I just wish i was older so i would be closer to leave this world, the thought of having to live like  this another 20 to 30 yrs. really sucks.
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242588 tn?1224271700
Your description of your living environment is worrisome.  You could be exposed to allergens, bacteria, mold/fungi, a variety of toxins including asbestos, insect and animal secretions and excrement, especially mice and birds.  You could also be exposed to chronic carbon monoxide toxicity or to any combination of the preceding.  Basically you are living in a dangerous place and you should get out and stay out rather than attempting to determine which one or more of the above is causing your problem.  It is hard to imagine that $50,000 worth of testing did not reveal some abnormality, especially of your lungs.

You should also check with the other occupants of this house to see if they are experiencing some of the symptoms that have plagued you.  You might be able to save them some grief.
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