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Ok well about 7 months ago I started have chest and breathing discomfort, its hard to explain how it feels. When I take a deep breath it doesent feel like im getting enough air. The discomfort is just driving me crazy. The discomfort is mostly worse when i lie down and its hard for me to fall asleep. I can feel a weird gurgling in my chest sometimes.

About a month after that started I stared having Pain in my upper left abdomen and my lower left back. Its an aching pain that can get realy sharp now and then. Hurts the most When i wake up in the morning. Its seems to ache realy bad when i get hot and sweaty.

Soon after that I started getting pains in my ribs worse on the left side, they hurt to touch and they aching bad sometimes. My whole left side feels realy tight.

Ive been getting coughs alot too during all this. and random light fevers.

I went jogging the other day and got realy bad sharp chest pains on the front left side of my chest. the pains lasted awhile and i felt bad for days. Now i get sharp pains now and then in my chest all over.

Thats all i can think of at the moment. This stuff is starting to get worse so any help will be nice to see! thanks.
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242588 tn?1224271700
It is best to see your doctor.  Get a good physical examination and describe all of these symptoms to that doctor.  It may be necessary to get some tests, or it may not be necessary.  Having a simple breathing test called spirometry will provide detailed information about how your lungs are working.  Seeing if the pain can be elicited in the office will also help to determine the cause.  It could be muscle, nerve or another source.
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Btw its not gastro cause i had that checked cause my dad has gastro problems.
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