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How to be certain of drug allergy

Have neuropathy as a result of Bactrim almost two years ago. Now have a possible sinus infection and doctor gave me Cefdinir. Two days into the medication, my neuropathy symptoms have increased. The burning, needle like sensations and numbness. I do not want to go through that nightmare again. So I stopped taking the antibiotic and am waiting to hear from my doctor for an alternative drug. Is this considered an allergic reaction or a severe symptom. Anyway to know which antibiotics I can use and not have this reaction. Was not able to pose this question in the neurology platform.
2 Responses
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242587 tn?1355424110
I could find no reports to suggest (what is called) cross-reactivity between Bactrim and Cefdinir.  That does, however, not rule out this possibility.  You were wise to stop taking the drug and contact your physician.  You ask is this an allergic reaction or a symptom.   The sensations and numbness you describe would fall under the heading of symptoms.  The symptoms could be caused by an adverse reaction to the medication that could be either allergic or non-allergic with inflammation.

Your doctor may have an explanation to account for your symptoms but, if not he/she may have to empirically prescribe another drug, one not in the category of bactrim and Cefdinir.  It would also be reasonable for you to ask your doctor to contact the pharmaceutical manufacturers of these drugs to find out if reactions such as yours have been reported.

Good luck
Helpful - 0
2212714 tn?1342258744
Can alcoholic beverages bring on asthma?  Are cinnamon and ginger,
like MSG the common food additive, likely to cause an asthma
attack involving the trachea? In my friends case he has what he calls
aa flutter starting in his throat and attempts to clear his throat are
not successful. This "attack" occurs with shortness of breath and tachycardia, that is not an irregular pulse. Oddly enough he senses relief
when he takes tylenol.

Does anyone have similar symptoms and relief with tylenol? Oh there is no
chest pain involved and he has had PFT with excellent results. Mold does not seem to be present in his home. He does have Puffs for asthma.
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