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Q: Wondering if you could help. apprx 4yrs now I have been living with SOB daily? I am 39yrs old and awake at night from a sound sleep unable to capture enough air? sleep study negative for apnea. Cardiac stress x 3 negative. Ct scan of chest negative. PFT's normal. I am able to exercise fine x 3-4 a week? tried lexapro for anxiety, did not work? Yawn or try to capture a yawn aleast 3 times in 5 minutes? called 911 twice this past month because it is that bad? I am an RN and would not pull the trigger if it wasn't necessary! It is torture and it has not decreased or changed? Has any one heard of these same symptoms and what can I try? please help...
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242588 tn?1224271700
It could be that you are having nocturnal vocal cord spasm, possibly in association with silent gastroesophageal reflux.
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are you having panic attacks?
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