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I am a 34 yr old woman who just recently started developing hives on my thighs, stomach, back and arms. This just began about 1 week ago and I don't know what to do! I have read several comments in your forum regarding hives and I am just now realizing that most allergy medications do not work. I have never experienced this before and I have not made any recent changes to my daily life other than relocating to a new home. The itching is unbearable and at this time the only thing that seems to temporarily help the itching and hives is Benadryl and Lanocane cream. I also have notices since the first onset of the hives, that they only appear around 3am in the morning. I have only had one other outbreak during the day otherwise I continue to experience the outbreak in the early mornings. I have not yet consulted with a doctor about this condition as I was not sure if seeing a doctor would do any good. But if necessary, I will consult with my physician. I just wanted to first get some opinions on whether or not this problem will disappear or am I stuck with it for life!! Please help me to better understand what's going on with me.
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242588 tn?1224271700
The information provided suggests a temporal relationship between the move to your new home and the onset of hives.  You should also look to any changes in your dietary habits as food allergy is a possible cause of hives.  The 3:00 AM appearance suggests that your skin may be responding to something in the bedroom, something on your bed or something you apply to your skin near bedtime.  You should also check for residual materials in your nightgown/pajamas, such as detergent, not being rinsed out, for example, by a different washer.  You should test this hypothesis by arranging to sleep elsewhere, for a while and wearing new garments to bed.  You may have to sleep elsewhere for up to 7 to 10 days.
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sorry to hear of your demise, I too had hives and found it was due to cetain types of food that i ate.  I was told to cut out alcohol and eat red meat just once a week replace with fish also all sweet foods including fruits except green apples.  I was told this by a nutritionist. you could have a yeast overgrowth or leaky gut syndrome, usually with these types of infections the skin being the largest organ is affected by hives.  I'm not saying you have this but do try to see a nutritonist. I used to itch like crazy and now i can reintroduce some alcohol and foods without the hives and its bliss.  I hope this helps.

regards Sam
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