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Sudden extremely itchy throat, ear, and occasionally nose

I usually have allergies in the spring (pollen, hay fever, etc.) But all through the summer, I've been having sudden extremely itchy throat. When I try to use my tongue to relieve the itching, I can feel the itching in my ear and sometimes my nose. The itching is very bad at first, but after a minute it subsides but doesn't totally go away until about half an hour later. This does not sound to me as my usual allergies. Usually, I just have a constantly mild itchy or sore throat. I don't know if the pollen was just extremely bad this year... Any ideas?
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242588 tn?1224271700
This symptom of itchy throat is not rare in people with allergy to pollens, especially to ragweed.  And those individuals may have worsening of the itch with the ingestion of banana or melon, especially cantaloupe.

You might benefit by preferentially breathing through your nose and from the use of one of the commonly available non-sedating antihistamines.  If your theory about this being an especially "bad" year is correct, you should expect relief of the itching with the first frost.

Good luck.
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