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What causes all this symptoms? Allergy only? or Candida, Deviated Septum or sinus problem.?

ok , please help me out , i had suffered a lot from all the below symptom for years and i have being wondering is it interrelated to each other.
Nose allergy
-I was diagnosed to have deviated septum in few years back .
-Also did allergy test. i am allergy to dust mite.
-Personal experienced that i am allergy to milk , always have a lot of phloem
Throat problem
-If i talk slightly too much , my throat will feel very dry and uncomfortable.
Therefore i always cannot talk for too long with my friends , especially on the phone because the soreness will develop into pain if i continue to talk.
-If i eat fried food such as Mc donald or KFC, my throat also easily get irritated
-When i swim , my throat always feel very dry, and i always have to drink water to make it feel better, also spit a lot of thick phloem out during swimming.
Itchy Scrotum
-My private part , the skin near the scrotum itch terribly every night.
Hair Scalp Itchiness
Wake up tired
Cannot concentrate , cannot focus
Mood swing , depress and insomnia
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Just a few minuets ago I had a minor asthma attack, and had no inhaler. I tired to call my doctors 24/7 operator line for assistance, but no one was there. The thing here is I didn't want to call 911 and make a scene plus my insurance has rules about prior approval for ambulance pick ups. I thought about driving to the hospital but I would possiable cause more danger driving on the roads than staying put. What do you recomend for others in a similar situation? I am now going to the ER to get some albuterol to help.
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248663 tn?1198083095
Surgical correction of your deviated nasal septum could relieve many, if not most of your phlegm and throat problems.  Given your confirmed allergies, the irritation and throat dryness could be helped by nasal washes.  Often this is followed by a prescription nasal steroid spray.  A nasal steroid spray does not provide immediate relief of symptoms.  It may need to be used every day for several weeks to months for it to help.  To get the most out of a nasal steroid spray use it after doing a nasal wash.  A nasal wash helps remove mucus from the nose and sinuses.  Please read our nasal wash treatment information at http://www.nationaljewish.org/disease-info/treatments/alt-ther/nasal-wash.aspx to learn more about this technique.  Share this information with your doctor to see if you would benefit from this daily treatment.

The itchy scrotum and itchy scalp could both be caused by a fungal infection, scabies, fleas, or pediculosis, commonly called lice.  You should have these areas examined by a doctor to determine which of these is causing the problem, as the treatment varies.  For the scabies a medication called Lindane is effective.  For lice a substance called Kwell.  Any of these can cause insomnia and insomnia is often associated with mood swings and depression.  So the first order of business is to find out what is responsible for the bad itching and cure it.
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