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alternatives to xopenex?(to decrease agitation)

I have a 6 year old son with autism and asthma who has currently started on the Xopenex for the asthma control. He has become extremely hyperactive and somewhat aggressive with the Xopenex, and I am wondering if there are any other meds that wouldn't have this side effect.

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I use Xopenex and was able to cut back drasticly from the perscribed doseage.
I have COPD and count the number of breaths taken (like between 20 to 40)
instead of mg's taken. You might try this, but slowly.

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Hi Kathy,  I'm not a doctor but I believe that is a side effect of all the albutrol types.  Can you try giving him less at once and see if you can do it a little at a time?  I take it you are talking about the xopenex ampules and not the xopenex spray?  If its the spray then there might be something that can be given to him that is not as strong.  Hope this helps.

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242588 tn?1224271700
Xopenex® Inhalation Solution (levalbuterol) is a short acting inhaled medicine, a rescue medicine, with fewer side effects than similar medicines used for the relief of acute asthma symptoms.  It is not a medicine well-suited for long term, sustained asthma control.

There are other classes of asthma medicines, called controller medicines and these do not have the same excitatory side effects.  The 2 classes are 1) inhaled steroids and 2) orally administered medicines that block biochemical asthma pathways involved in asthma worsening, an example of which is Singulair® (montelukast sodium).  A third group of asthma medicines commonly used are, medicines similar to Xopenex® Inhalation Solution (levalbuterol) but long acting for 8 to 12 hours.  These medicines might or might not result in hyperactivity and should be the last to be considered, especially for a young child.

Good luck.
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