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black mold

I posted on here a couple of months ago about my dad having chronic hives.  A dermatologist recently told him that it definetly was not hives but some sort of allergy.  Just in the last few days he has mentioned to me that he has a mold problem in his office.  He says it is very black and on the ceiling and wall.  His office has flooded numerous times and the carpet or nothing has been removed or replaced.  How likely is it that the mold could be causing his horrible skin irritation for the last 8 months.  
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Hi, I don't know whether the black mold is causing the allergy but is funny you have posted this suggestion because I have just been diagnosed with asthma at the ripe old age of 33 and have been using a make shift office which also has black mold on the roof.
I am going to blitz it and hope for the best. Please keep me posted.
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242588 tn?1224271700
From your description this sounds like black mold which is not deemed to be a cause of dermatitis.  However, with the flooding, there could be growth of countless other molds or bacteria.  However, unless your dad has direct contact with these organisms, they would be an unlikely cause.  His having suggested that the problem is "some sort of allergy", the dermatologist should be asked, after taking a good history of all exposures, including at work, what might be the 5 most likely causes.
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