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can' take full breaths

Has anyone found a cure for not be able to take full breaths? Does anyone have to wait to yawn before they get a full breath? Help............... Been thru every test, Pulonary, Gastro, Heart, no answers, and tied of being told it's stress and all in the head. Please help.......

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I did all those test with a lung specialist. They found nothing.
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242588 tn?1224271700
The inability to take a deep breath may be ". .in the head", but at the same time, may not be an emotional or behavioral health problem.  On the other hand, the feeling of what constitutes a deep breath varies significantly from one person to another and this relates to the nerve feedback signals we get from any number of sites, within the respiratory system.  It would be important to determine if your inability to take a full breath, or to feel that you cannot take a deep breath, is on this basis and just your perception of not being able to take a deep breath, vs. the problem relating to some degree of respiratory muscle weakness.

Complete pulmonary function tests (PFTs), including the determination of lung volumes and inspiratory pressure could help to clarify what's going on.  You might want to discuss this with the lung specialist.
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