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eggs/stomach pain

I also suffer from stomach pain after eating eggs and this has gone on for years.  Lately however in addition, I have started breaking out in hives after drinking diet soda.  I thought perhaps it was the aspertame used as a sweetner, but I have no trouble when I drink and eat other foods and powdered drinks containing aspertame.  It's just when I drink diet soda.  
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A related discussion, The incredible uneatable egg was started.
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535822 tn?1443976780
Eggs can be an allergic food,and also sweetners can be ,Google it and get a list of foods to be careful with.
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242588 tn?1224271700
This is, indeed, a challenging question.  It is possible that there are other agents in the diet soda that, in some way, potentiate the effects of the diet substitute that causes these hives.  For now, unless you are willing to see a board certified allergist and have tests of all of the ingredients of these drinks, I would suggest staying away from diet sodas for a while and make sure the hives are gone.  If this is the case, you might look at trying different drinks that have different products in them to see if the hives come back.
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