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My names is Angie I am 21yrs old and I am asthmatic and the only thing I'm allergic to is dust. For the past month I have been waking up with severe head and chest pain and my face swollen!! I feel like I'm drowning! !! We thought it could be an allergic reaction so we bought all new pillows but that didn't help!! I'm starting to get scared!  What is going on???
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242587 tn?1355424110
I am unable to give you a diagnosis and can only wonder if it might be related to your asthma.  I am concerned about the “severe head and chest pain” and even more so about your facial swelling” and the feeling that you are drowning.   I take these signs and symptoms seriously as they could be an indication of serious disease, including diseases of the chest.

I strongly suggest that you seek medical attention from a doctor who takes your report seriously and pays special attention to trying to find the cause(s) of the facial swelling and your feeling of “drowning.”  Do not delay seeking care from a doctor who will listen carefully to your story and then arrange for whatever testing (to include a Chest X-ray) is need to get to the bottom of this matter.

Good luck
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Thank you! Right now I am working on getting some type of health insurance so that I am able to see a specialist.
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