334122 tn?1226627451

itchy upper arms

i have had itchy upper arms around 6 mounths now nothing seems to help its driving me crazy ive been to my doctor he dont know what it could be i went to a dermatoligst he has no clue its worst at night i cant sleep the only thing that seems to help at all is ice and only for a while can someone help me its almost unbearable its so bad and scratching feels good when i do it but then look out it almost feels like i have insullation on my arms but i dont stinging burning itching horrible theres got to be something to stop it i have tried every anti itch cream on the market to no avail . does any one know what to do i hate to think im going to have the be like this for the rest of my life if i can keep from scraching it but i cant it gets so unbearable its like a nightmare please let me wake up! thanks for listening it helps to get this off my chest
3 Responses
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242588 tn?1224271700
It is hard to know what is causing the itching.  It might be a contact reaction or less likely an internal reaction that is localized to your arms.  I still think that a good dermatologist is the way to go to both evaluate the problem and treat it.  It may take a short course of oral steroids to control and also as a test to see if this rash is responsive to steroids.
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334122 tn?1226627451
thanks so much ive seen a dermatoligist and he has no clue whats going on i guess i could see another dermatoligist maybe another will be able to help me its just so strange the way it does like pins and needles stinging like some kind of allegic reaction but i have no clue ive not changed dergegent shampoo or any thing i can think of ive had cats all my life and have never been allergic to them before its really odd cause i hold them in my arms thought maybe they were causing but i no longer hold them they are outdoor cats and i still have this problem it worse at night when i try to sleep its terrible i now take bendral about 1 hour before i go to bed it seems to help some i was taking predisone i took the full treatment but it hasnt helped either if someone out there knows what i could possibly do please clue me in thanks bubbles
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The backs of my upper arms get very itchy when I am having a mild asthnma attack. I was looking for it on the web and came across yours. When I use an inhaler, both the wheezing and the itchiness go away.
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