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short of breath and ichy all over!!

Well I'm 8 weeks and 6 days to be exact I have asthma and I smoke witch I shouldn't I'm feeling alot shorter of breath especially at night what should I b doing to stop this and my skin is also very irritated this is my first pregnancy so I'm not sure if this is normal
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Ofcourse is not normal because you have asthma and u are smoking. You shouldn't be doing that. STOP SMOKING!!!!!
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242587 tn?1355424110
The first thing you should do is to work with your doctors on smoking cessation, for the well-being of yourself and your baby.  This should be a coordinated effort that includes pharmacotherapy and group counseling.

About 1/3 of all pregnant women with asthma, experience a worsening of their asthma during pregnancy, that requires a step-up in drug treatment and increased vigilance to avoid exposure to lung allergens and irritants.  Optimum control of your asthma should be a high priority for both you and your physicians and you should initiate the discussion.  

In addition, it should not be automatically assumed that your increased shortness of breath is caused by asthma.  Other complications of pregnancy, resultant in shortness of breath, such as blood clots to the lung should also be considered.

A number of skin diseases worsen with pregnancy, in many instances a hormonal effect, these best and most safely treated with topical therapy.

Good luck to you and your baby.
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