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smell of sulfur

I smell sulfur no matter where I am, the inside of my nose on each side is tender, no bleeding, have some drainage in my throat which causes me to clear my throat or cough what is going on?
2 Responses
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212161 tn?1599427282
going throught that now both side te walls are thick dr put e on z-pack sinus infection, i can hardy taste anything so maybe you have a infection
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242588 tn?1224271700
What you describe, the experience of abnormal smells or odors is common, but not well understood and the odor of sulfur or rotten eggs is one of the more common of these.  These sensations are believed to most often originate in the central nervous system, rather than in the nose or other structures.  However recent studies suggest that in some instances, the odor may originate from diseased nerve endings in the nose or the nerves that run from it to the brain.  They often begin with an upper respiratory infection, head trauma or with aging.  The phenomenon is more likely to occur in women and is then often associated with a decreased sense of smell.

The experience of these may last for varying periods of time from days to years, but in many cases resolve spontaneously.  Some people are reported to be able to halt the onset of these odors by tickling the inside of their noses with a soft item.

There are reports of reductions or complete clearing of the odors in people given anti-psychotic medicines that increase the level of a chemical found in the brain, called GABA, but these medicines have many side effects are generally not recommended.  Research looking for a cure is still being conducted.

Finally, this abnormal perception of odors not present in one’s environment may also occur with the aura of some seizures or with migraine headaches.

Good luck.
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