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Asthma and surgery

I have had asthma for about 8 years now, never as a child just an adult.  I have to have surgery, a hesterectamy and the doctor is waiting, since one I am over weight and two I have asthma. My asthma has been under control for a couple years now, I don't have it that often, I am always in pain,  and not sure what the doctor is waiting for.  I had a DNC done a couple months ago, and they said I had asthma while under, but how long can they postpone the surgery? Or do I continue to be in pain the rest of my life.  I am very frustrated. Thanks for listening.
2 Responses
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158812 tn?1189755826
My son has asthma, and just had surgery.  The concern is that general anesthesia can irritate the bronchials and promote an asthma attack.  He went into surgery w/clear lungs, and came out wheezing.  They administered a breathing treatment, and he quickly recovered.  Waiting for a non asthma season is irrelevent, and won't prevent a thing. You need to flat out ask the dr. what he is waiting for.  If you don't like his response, choose another dr.
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347295 tn?1196295944
Just a thought.  When I had my c-section they were very concerned because apparently with some of the medicines they give you for surgury they can not incubate(sp) you if you have an attack.  This is the worst time of year for asthma with allergies up.  Just a thought and goodluck.
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