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asthma and a baby

Hi I'm pregnant and I also have asthma I'm been concerned and curious if by me using my asthma pump if it affects the development of my baby in any way....
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No! Let your doctor know what is going on. Attack after attack coughing real bad everyday. I was on three pumps and machine when In was pregnant.  Even though my baby came at five months she is here and doing great. She now suffer with asthma.
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144586 tn?1284666164
There is insignificant risk to normal use of the pump. The far greater risk is anoxia and a "locked lung" if you delay too long. People actually die from asthma. And the pump must be used promptly. I was in a hospital and an attack came on from the person using cleaning fluids on the floor. From the time the button was pushed and someone showed up my P02 was down to twenty percent! It was like falling off a cliff.  I was on a monitor. I almost had to be intubated. If your are alone the result may be a loss of consciousness and you will be unable to self-rescue. The use of moderate doses of inhaled steroids should be discussed with your doctor, but again, in many cases the benefits far outweigh the risks.
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