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when i was younger the 2 days leading up to my menstrual cycle became stressful for me as those 2 days were the worst for my asthma. i am now finding that after 7 years of menoupaus and being on h r t for the last 2 years, that as i am withdrawing from my h r t my breathing is becoming a bit wheezier as if short of a hormone but which one
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Changes in hormonal balance have an effect on asthm.  Many women develop asthma at times of hormonal change - puberty, pregnancy and peri-menaupause, and menaupuase.  The why of it I don't think anyone really knows.  

Some people have found relief by taking birthcontrol pills even later in life.  

elvera1, I think if you were to continue with the taper off HR that in time your symptoms would improve as your body finds its new norm.  You may need to tweak your controller meds, but that would be better for you in the long run than continuing HR.

Good luck.
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i cant answer your question sorry but i have one to ask. I am 45 and have been an athsmatic all my life and like you , are much worste just before my menstrual cycle. I have approached my G.P. on the matter as the amount of inhaler i am using, and getting very little relief with is alarming me. She just put it down to stress ! . This i'm sure is a load of nonsence as i dont feel stressed. do you know why the athsma plays up more at this of the month ?
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