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640548 tn?1340553355

Belly Buddies * 10/26 *

New babies and a new BFP for the new thread...YAY!!  Congratulations to Niki and Brandy on the arrival of their baby girls!  Congratulations to Rosie on her BFP!!

Buns that are done...

Mapes/Melissa      Adam                   6/14/09
Dani                     Colter                    7/19/09
kc1021                 Olivia Kate             7/23/09
Tiger63/Stacey      Lillian Kathleen      8/6/09
pat4rod/Patty        9lb boy                  8/17/09
CacyMichelle        Addison Grace       8/24/09
Munter                  Lincoln Brian         9/6/09
Ashmcc                A little girl             ??
Latrice                  Trinity Allyssa       9/18/09
avik7/Anna            Jamin Scott          9/16/09
Nickswife/Gigi       Abby Nickole        10/14/09
Kgokgo/Niki          Isabelle                10/18/09
BPO629/Brandy    Allison Jean

Buns in the Ovens

StephNP09                  41          Boy           10/18/09
melo1224                     38          Boy           11/10/09
hazeleyes/Amanda       37          Boy           11/18/09
cari227                        36          Girl            11/25/09
popcorn/Julie                35          Boy           11/29/09
mikaleen/Aileen            34          Girl            12/8/09
lynsey81                      34                           12/10/09
elisha123                     34          Girl            12/10/09
LadyM84/Lisa               33          Boy           12/15/09
youme123/Leigh           29          Boy            1/8/10
YogaChick/Mira            29                            1/13/10
Mialvan/Maria               29          Girl             1/14/10
GMB/Gina                    18                            3/26/10
tinkerbell101/Deb          15                            4/19/10                  
EricaB28                      12                                                        
Msteri                          12
Selaiwa                        7                            6/16/10
Princessa745                4                           Congratulations and welcome to "The Other Side!!"
92 Responses
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924332 tn?1284573918
She did the regular ultrasound only saw the sac had me go pee, and that os when I noticed the pink when i peed right before she did the transvaginal. I told her i had light pink when i had just peed, she said not to worry. She did the transvaginal She told me she saw no blood or clots or anything wrong. I will take as things are okay and it was just from bedding the night before. Try to relax and enjoy being pregnant. \\

Thanks Aileen
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640548 tn?1340553355
I see lots of posts on here where women have spotted after bedding or having u/s done.  Did they do an internal exam before the u/s or was it just the u/s? From what I understand the cervix gets really swollen with blood and it's pretty easy to break little vessels open.  If everything is measuring 2 days ahead, and everything is looking how it should I wouldn't worry about the pink. Did they schedule another u/s to follow up so you can see your little heartbeat?  That was the best part about waiting until 8 weeks...the wait was torture, but as soon as she inserted the wand and got a clear picture I saw the little flicker and was able to finally relax a little. (Notice I said just a little, I STILL worry something will go wrong, but it doesn't consume me anymore)

Usually even if they can only see a sac and yolk, a good tech and Dr. can still get an idea if something doesn't look right, whether the measurements are off, or the sac is misshapen, or the yolk sac is flat instead of plump.  If she saw no blood in the uterus it's a fairly good sign it's coming from the cervix, and if everything looks healthy it's just a matter of time before there's a little heart beating inside you!

Ok, I'm done rambling.  Trying to reassure, but I know it's still difficult until you have the 20 week anatomy scan.
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924332 tn?1284573918
Aileen they did the regular utlrasound and she could only see the sac so she had me go pee so she could do the transvaginal. when i peed i wiped light pink and i told her. She did the transvaginal and said everything looked perfect. Stated i measured at 5wks 6 days which would make me exactly 6 weeks today and thats 2 days ahead of what it says on medhelp. They didn't give me a due date but from that it would put me as being due on june 30th. I stopped pinking yesterday and now again today, light pink and alot of creamy cm. I just went to the ladies room and super light pink now. So i will try to stay positive. Now the night before BF and i bedded and i told him i think he hurt me lol, i'm very sensitive now down there so i told him no more nookie for a few days, could it be he irritaded my cervix?
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640548 tn?1340553355
Rossie...I'm glad everything looks just like it should look.  I'm with Deb, maybe the pressure of the u/s just irritated your cervix a little.  I went at 8 weeks and she tried to do an abdominal and saw nothing and went to a transvaginal and saw what was supposed to be there.  I've never had an irritable cervix, but in the past year have seen many women have pink spotting after an u/s. Did you get a due date?

Selaiwa...I know 6 days is going to seem like forever, but I'm so excited for you to go and get your scan.  I say a little prayer for you and the bean every night. =)
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693804 tn?1304720474
Hi Girls! Glad to hear that your all doing well. My prayers are with each of you.((HUGS))

Time to gather up the baby dust!
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760797 tn?1303264540
Debbie, I'm so sorry that spotting won't just go away! It's great that you are still having strong symptoms and the spotting is brown (old).
You are in my prayers!

Deb, glad your appt went well. I'm sorry the midwife was not so nice. You're moving right along :)
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870652 tn?1260319436
Thanks Ladies!
  It is just so weird having this brown spotting for so long. There is a lot more of it in the morning compared to later in the day. I have to wear a panty liner constantly. I am not so worried about miscarrying because my symptoms are really strong. I am just curious as to what caused all this bleeding. It must have occured quite awhile ago because it is so dark in color.I do have fibroids and think that might be 1 of the possible causes. I can't wait till next Tuesday!!!

Mysteri-Congratulations on the 2nd trimester!! It must have been wonderful to see and hear your baby's heartbeat!!

Aileen- Did you buy a new robe and slippers yet? LOL  
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924332 tn?1284573918
Debbie, Deb, thanks your reassurance and support always makes me feel better. I'm really going to try and stay positive. I'm looking on ebay to buy a fetal heart doppler. So once i'm farther along i can listen on my little beans heart. I think it will help me feel a little more reassured.

Debbie, are you still spotting brown blood. Sounds like what Aileen mentioned about the Progesterone cream. Im praying for you and your little bean. I know you will see that perfect little heartbeat. 5 more days till your scan!!! Can't wait!! Every positive thought going you way. ((Hugs)).
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758493 tn?1271611163
Rosie, so pleased you had a positive result at your ultrasound... I had mine at almost 6 weeks and they only saw an empty sac so that is wonderful news and I just know you are going to be fine. It seems the pink/brown spotting is just part and parcel of being pregnant these days and one of the new symptoms!!!! We have all had it and know how you are feeling, don't let it worry, it really is SO common. I wouldn't be surprised if the ultrasound pushing down hard didn't disturb your cervix a little, there is so much going on in there at the moment. Thoughts and prayers are with you.

Debbie, sorry that the darn spotting is still there.... again, I am believing that everything is going to be fine with your little baby and praying so hard. Not long till your scan now and I just can't wait to see pics of this little baby we are all praying for!

Aileen have you packed that bag yet??? ;)~

Nothing to report from me... getting fatter by the day haha!
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870652 tn?1260319436
Rossie, I will pray for you also. I am still spotting today so I know how you feel. At this point in our pregnancy there is really nothing that we csn do except pray for the best. I have 6 more days till my U/S.  I scheduled it when I will be 9 weeks.  I am  praying to see a fetus and a heartbeat as everything should be seen by then no doubt about it.
I am trying to not get up too much and am on bed rest.  
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924332 tn?1284573918
thanks Lori. thanks steph
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693804 tn?1304720474
Rossie- glad to hear that everything went well! Try not to let yourself worry(easier said then done) your dates are right and she said that everything looked perfect. I will continue to pray for you and your little one as always.(((HUGS)))
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991222 tn?1333990733
Glad everything went well!
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924332 tn?1284573918
Hi girls had my ultrasound. She could only see the sack so she had me use the little girls room to aleviate my bladder so she could do a transvaginal ultrasound. well when i releived myself and i wiped there was pink. So i went in and she did the ultrasound and she saw the sac and yolk and everything as it should be. She said it was perfect with my dates, 5 wks 6 days. so i questioned why i had pink when i wiped and she said not to worry as she saw no blood in my ultrasound and everything looked good. so again i ask that you all pray for me and my little bean as i am nervous now with this. Thanks, and hugs.
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693804 tn?1304720474
Morning Girls! I'm here again to catch all the baby dust thats floating around on this side! I'm feeling a little odd the past few days but I don't want to read anything into it. I actually feel like af is coming and usually those symptoms don't start until a day or two before. I guess i'll know soon enough!

Rossie- good luck today sweetie! Can't wait to hear the official date!

msteri- congrats on hitting the second trimester!

Aileen- pack, name, pack, name, pack, name
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640548 tn?1340553355
Good morning!

Debs..I am worried that I will be bringing home Baby H from the hospital.  I should probably pack a bag because I can see DH bringing me the most ridiculous pre-pregnancy PJ's, no slippers and like a short sleeve onesie for the baby.  I'm sorry this other midwife wasn't much nicer.  I was under the impression that the midwives were usually great!  I'm glad that your scan went well.

Rossie...I hope you have have a great scan today!!

Msteri...congratulations on the second trimester!  How exciting to hear the heartbeat.  I still use mine every once in a while.

I've got like 35 days left.  That's like a cycle!  Oh boy.
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1000766 tn?1296746001
Hi everyone

I haven't been on in while, but I've had another ultrasound, which went quite well.  I got my estimated due date also, which is May 8, 2010.  Lastly, I purchased a home Doppler, which has been great.  It's reassuring to me to hear that he or she is okay since I can't feel anything at this stage.

Oh, I almost forgot!!!  Most important of all, I'm in my second trimester!!!!! Thought I'd never get here.  Well, according to some books/sites I am, but I guess MedHelp waits until after the 14th week starts?

Congrats to all the new mommies that I missed!
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924332 tn?1284573918
Good morning everyone.

Debbie, thats good though tired and nauseous are good signs. Keeping you in my prayers hun.

Deb i'm glad it went a little better with your midwife yesterday.

Aileen - figured out a name yet?

As for me Im a little nervous, and scared ultrasound today to get size and exact due date.... Wish me luck and lots of prayers please.
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870652 tn?1260319436
Aileen, I used the cream suppository.  My progesterone level is good so actually I only used it the 1 time just before I got my results back. My level is at 24 and they will not prescribe it unless you are 15 or lower at my stage.My Doctor is not worried.She is just telling me to wait it out.There is really nothing that can be done.As long as it is not red and I am not having cramps then I should be fine.
  I can't move up the U/S so I just have to wait a week.I just feel tired and nauseous.
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640548 tn?1340553355
Lori, I wish I could!

Selaiwa...How long ago did you stop the progesterone?  Was it a cream you had to use vaginally?  With my last pregnancy I had low progesterone and was pt on a supplement while we were trying to figure out what was going on.  A couple weeks after I stopped using it I had a crumbly discharge that was old dried out progesterone, and it also had blood in it that was old and brown.  Just a thought.
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924332 tn?1284573918
Yeah counting the days lori. Ultrasound is tomorrow. not sure what i'll see but i will get my exact due date.
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693804 tn?1304720474
Are you going to Denver to get them????LOL
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640548 tn?1340553355
I am the queen of procrastination.  I did make some phone calls to line up people to watch DD since the hospital will no longer allow children visitors.  Other than that I figured out I need a robe and new slippers.
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693804 tn?1304720474
Aileen- do you realize that your teddy is almost down to 0???? Now go pack a bag and pick a name, that little girl isn't going to give you any extra days!LOL
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