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are symptoms serious?

I am a 35 year old female, relitivlely healthy til recently.  I have been having for about six weeks, lower left pelvic pain, pain in the rectum, stools that are narrow and 3 to 5 times a day (up from one a day to every other day), somtimes rarly I will move my bowels and feel I still need to.  All these symptoms came on pretty suddenly.  My doctor sent me to the GYN saying she thought I had an ovarian cyst, but an ultrasound proved that wasn't the case.  I am VERY worried it's colon cancer.  I don't have a family history and I am pretty young, but I am still concerned.  What would be my best choice to do now?  What tests should I get?  I also recently had a abdominal and pelvic ct  would that show colon cancer?  Should I get a barium enema?  VERY CONCERNED!!!
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I have all the same things you have, that you stated on here and I was told like ten years ago that I have I.B.S... I am not a doctor and you should be seen by a  Gastro doctor for they can do a colonscopy on you. It is painless but no fun..(smile).. Watch what you eat.. Avoid choclate and spicy food which can really upset I.B.S..
I am still in fear all the time of colon cancer. It is a scary thing but So far they just keep telling me it is I.B.S..
So please go see a gastro doctor and get your colonscopy done as soon as possible. And It don't matter how old you are.. I.B.S. does not attack just the old, Children can get it too!
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A couple of years ago I was having the same symptoms you are having.  I too thought of the worst and was thinking colon cancer.  My  doctor had me do a smear test which is where they give you this kit to catch your stool and smear samples of on a card for several days so they can check for blood in your stool.  When there was no blood, my doctor schjeduled a colonoscopy.  Which is a test they do where they stick a long thin tube w/ a camera on the end of it up your bum to check for any colon cancer polyps (which is really the only test that will show cancer inside the colon.)  I was all clear and I was diagnosed with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).  Question?  Do you ever notice any mucus passing in your stool?  It can float on the water, or be connected to your stool.  By the way, I am 26 years old, so I am young too.  I really think that this might be what you have.  But, I am not a doctor.  Read online about IBS -constipation and talk to your doctor about it....and don't worry.....stress is HORRIBLE for IBS.  Also, get yourself some fiber.  an exellent one I use is kelloggs bran buds cereal.  it has 13 grams of fier in 1/3 cup.  I sprinkle it on yogurt.
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i had a ct scan two weeks ago.  is that the same as a catscan?  I've been told they don't show colorectal cancer very well and are usually only used to stage a confirmed diagnosis, but I did have to drink barium contrast.  Can they see these cancers on ct scan?
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154765 tn?1237247944
I think a ctscan will show tumors. I know I had  a catscan done it showed a tumor in my liver. Thank god it wasn't cancer. We all worry so much it's  terrible.   I know a barruim swallow won't show cancer.
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154765 tn?1237247944
Oh wait a minute I just read your post again I drank something like that so they could see my liver clearer. It would show a tumor. See how my mind races so much. I think you are fine. We all think of the worst.
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154765 tn?1237247944
I wouls ask your doctor for a referral to a gastro. doctor and  see what they say tell them you are very concern. We all get worried cause we want to know what is wrong. Ask her for a catscan to.

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