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Blood in stool? Worried sick..please help

I have few past months slight bowel problems,stool is most of time ok,but sometimes is dry and  like pencil shape,sometimes diarrhea which last few hours..
But..my doctor tested me with occult stool test which came back positive!
She immediatly ordered colonoscopy,this is tomorrow..
Pls give me any hope that is nott cancer..does positive fit test always show cancer?
Im extremly worried,my stress is severe,i think i willgo crazy..i lost 3 kg in 3 days due to stress..
Im thinking on worst..pls can anybody give me just hope..
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I forgot to say..im 33 years old..
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15695260 tn?1549593113
Hello and welcome to the forum.  I'm sorry you are so worried!  Please let us know how the colonoscopy goes tomorrow.  The test you had, an occult stool test simply checks for blood in the stool.   Testing positive for this can be for any number of reasons and most benign.  Anal fissures, non cancerous polyps and hemorrhoids can all result in a positive test.  However, it is correct that malignancy can also result in a positive test.   https://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/digestive-diseases-stool-testing-blood-fecal-occult-blood-test#1  But please do not worry until you have to!  Provide us with an update as soon as possible.  All the best.
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Thanks Sara for reply,your comments calm me..
So this is update,i done my colonoscopy and upper endoscopy,doctor found 3 small polyps less than 5 mm,polyps are sessile,they completly removed all 3 polyps and take biopsy..also she found few small diverticulis,with minor inflamation and internal hemorrhoids with minor inflamation too..
She said that my occult blood may be from all three conditions..
One of three polys had small errosions on surface,im afraid that polyp is maybe different than others two..
Dr said that she is sure that my biopsy will be ok..
Sara what do you think,does doctor know without biopsy how bad polyps look ,and if she notice something suspicios,she would tell?
Thanks Sara again on your warm words..
I'm so happy to get this update.  I think this is excellent news, drakedrake.  It sounds like your doctor is being very thorough and checking everything carefully. I agree that I'd expect all results to come back benign and just fine!  I'm very happy for you.  I also commend you for taking good care of yourself and getting this evaluated.  Sometimes our fear can stop us from doing that so it is terrific you have undergone examination to make sure all is well.  Let me know the final result after they get the biopsy report back but expect good news.  Best of health to you.
Thanks sara...im still awaiting my biopsy results..im soo nervous and afraid ,i read a lot of things online about positive fit test,and there is 90 percent chance that is bowel cancer..i had 3 small polyps but they never bleed unless they are cancerous..i remembered my doc says one of 3 polyps looks different( red specks and dots on surface) but even that,she said ,expect good results...but when you read such things and positive fit test lead almost always to colon cancer.. my only hope that i read online that polyps in size less than 5 mm have 0.5 percent chance to become malignant...
I can not eat,sleep,work, im really really sick,anxiety like never before,im just crying and lying in my bad...
Sorry sara for long post but i have urge to wrrite to you..feels me litlle better..
I know it is hard to wait. This is the hardest time.  But I feel fairly confident you will get a clean report and this is not cancer. Do not worry before you have to and in this case, I would be surprised if you have a bad outcome.  Please let me know.  Just stay busy and be kind to yourself. When do you get the results?
Thank you Sara on your support, do you also think that small polyps rarely,if ever malignant? They told me,my result will be tomorrow..im so afraid to answer when they call me,im thinking about to not pick up results due to my fear..i know that is stupid but my fear takeover me..they told me,i must get my results only personaly,and to discuss with doctor about results.
Thank you again on warm and supportive thougts..i really appreciate this..
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Sara,just to inform you,
My results came back,
Dg: adenoma tubulare low grady dysplasia!
My doc said everything is benign,thanks for support!
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You did precisely as you should have. Nice going and good result. Now relax and do what your doc says.
Brilliant outcome.  Next steps:  Make sure you have regular colonoscopy checkups every 2 years.  They may make it a little longer. Medical research also shows that daily aspirin reduces polyp formation. Varies according to strength of aspirin taken 75mg to 300mg.  Percentage reduction is high going up to around 40%.  But one should only take enteric coated aspirin. These do not dissolve in the stomach where they can cause bleeding but continue into the intestines which is where they do their magic.  Omega 3 oils also work to reduce polyps. https://www.thelancet.com/action/showPdf?pii=S0140-6736%2818%2931775-6
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What were your results of the biospy?
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This is old discussion,anyway,my resluts of biopsy are adenoma,low grade dysplasia,i was advised to follow up colonoscopy 3 years after initial exam,i done follow up colonoscopy and came back negative!no polyp or any lesions,biopsy is not taken.next exam at 10 years later like in normal population!
But i can remeber how i upset at the time of first exam,this forum help me a lot,
For anybody who waiting results or polyp found,pls dont worry unitil you have to like me. You realy can get sick like me while overstressed,
On initial exam i had 3 polyps,3 years later i dont have any polyps,so if they found polyp it is not end of the world,like  i was thinking about that.
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