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My mother (69) years of age has been diagnosed with colon cancer.

In Sept. 2009 she had a surgery (resection).
In Dec. 2009 she began an oral (Xeloda) form of chemotherapy.  Side effects are swelling of hands, feet, nausea, etc (NO MENTION OF SWELLING OF FACE)
First week was fine. Second week, her face, hands and feet began to swell, nausea. Her hands were peeling, her feet were in so much pain she was unable to walk.  She was told to use creams and ice packs for her hands and feet.

Her oncologist seems to think she`s is allergic to the chemo. He suggested that either she take a lower dose of chemo (hopefully no allergic reactions) OR completely STOP chemo.

Are there are any other alternatives to chemo
If she stops chemo (20 lymph nodes, 1 came back positive) what happens

Thanks for your time,
Very Concerned Daughter
3 Responses
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Hello Jd,

I'm so glad to hear you are cancer free! May God keep blessing you so that you may continue to be cancer free.

My mom was diagnosed with colon cancer (3 lymph nodes - microscopically involved) Stage III. She is in the middle of her chemotherapy. She also removed all of her tumor (ascending colon).

Do you mind telling me what stage was you cancer diagnosis?


PS: Patty, I sure do hope your mother is doing much better.  How is she?
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Thanks for responding.
I've never heard anybody being allergic to chemo.

I realize that everyone's different - but while you were on chemo did your FACE swell.  

I will definitely ask the oncologist re:  oxiliplatin.


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Xeloda is a very harsh drug.  I was prescribed oral Xeloda together with infusions of oxiliplatin, but had to discontinue the Xeloda.  My body smply could not tolerate the drug and while taking Xeloda I lost more than one pound per day, snd had relentless nausea and terrible pain in my hands and feet.  After one three-week cycle my doctor discontinued the Xeloda.  I was able to complete treatment with the oxiliplatin.  This was in 2004 and I am cancer free today.  Ask your mother's doctor for something else.  If possible she should not stop chemo until her doctor is certain no trace of cancer remains in her lymph system.

Good luck.
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