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25 Year Old Colon Cancer

I have a colonoscopy scheduled for the 17th. I've had every symptom of colon cancer for about 2 years now... bleeding that varies from light to darker mixed with mucus (can't tell if it's the mucus turning the blood darker or not) very occasionally very dark blood, thin stool, incomplete evac, lost 40 lbs over two years, feel hard lumps in abdomen (but they seem to move so I don't know) constipation, usually go a little every day but can't get the rest out... fatigue sometimes, used to have no appetite, but my appetite has returned (this is a good sign) over the past couple of months. Had rectal scope in 2010 doctor didn't find anything which scares me even more, no hemorrhoids, etc. Rarely do I have diarrhea, not hard stool either, sticky stool... sometimes it has been orange when I've had a lot of health foods. Seems like a textbook case of cancer to me other than these past three years have been the worst of my life stress wise. Went to ER twice for heart palpitations turned out to be "benign" PVCS. The creepiest thing is I rarely have any kind of abdominal pain whatsoever, and I understand with irritable bowel, Chron's etc. there HAS to be pain. Is there any possibility whatsoever, even a chance, that it's not colon cancer? I have found like 100 cases on the internet, all the exact symptoms... it was always stage 4... can you give me any hope? Bleeding isn't all the time, it cleared up for a while when I went on a strict diet, less mucus, bigger stool etc. but now it came back a weak ago. Changed diet again, not bleeding, less mucus, etc. but still scared. Anyone had this and it WASN'T colon cancer?
3 Responses
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212161 tn?1599427282
ok so how did it go and what did they say plz up-date us
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212161 tn?1599427282
ps. the mucus is very common in ibs to and so is the blood
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212161 tn?1599427282
we all worry before out test , i to am having a colonoscopy on the 19th and it has made my anxiety kick in.. i have INS have had for years, i to have the pain and cramps strange bowl movements and blood. mine has never been cancer and i dont plan on it this time either.

anything you read on the net is bad and for some reason i always have what it says. alot of things have the same symptoms as cancer so plz dont go by that. my IBS was like having cancer to but have not.

plz keep us up-to date after your test. prayers are with you . GOD BLESS
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