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5 Years in Remission from stage III colon cancer

Hello all...it's been several years since I've been around here. I'm happy to say that I have completed 5 full years of post-op - post-chemo tests and am now in total 5 year remission. I had my latest colonoscopy and not even a polyp so I don't need another colonoscopy for 5 years now. That seems amazing after the frequency I had been having them at.

My main point of posting this is to advise all that if you are experiencing any kind of issues that have you concerned, PLEASE get yourself checked with a colonoscopy. I speak from experience and it's a lot easier than going through the surgeries, mediports, PET and CT scans and chemo/radiation treatments.

Blessings to all - each day is a miracle!
1 Responses
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Hi what were your symptoms? I’m a 22 year old male and since 4/2/18 I have been having weird bowel movements. It is 4/6/18 and on the first day I had a bout of diarrhea and now I feel constipated, I am able to poop but it isn’t big it’s more tinier I guess. I don’t have pain anywhere and no blood. Just more gassy than normal.
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My symptoms were occasional bloated stomach feeling. After eating a little food, I felt like I'd just had a three course meal. It sounds to me you might have diverticulitis. That is what happens when a pocket in your intestines gets inflammed by a sesame seed or tiny grain of food.  Usually
a script for Flagyl and Cipro will cure that. Good luck!
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