1275487 tn?1270907817

my fiance has a familly history of cancer.what to do?

I am writing because my fiance has a family history of colon cancer. Indeed, his mother and his two sisters have died, and his cousin has germain.il 30 years and he makes colonoscopies every year and so far he is healthy.
seen that I intend to marry him, I would like to know what the risk will have my children? knowing that in my family there is no history of cancer.
I do not know the mode of transmission of this disease, it would be dominant in 5% -10% of cases. he tells me it is a de novo mutation. I do not know, I'm worried. please answer me as soon as possible.
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It would be very beneficial for you to meet with a geneticist for the most acccurate answers on this.  You need to know everything available about the disease and what percentage of chance your children would have of inheriting it.  I do wish you all the best!
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Colon cancer is genetic he should first talk to his doctor to make sure he is fine. Its good new he does not have poyps but do you know about the rest of his family? I have FAP it is where polys have a 100% chance of becoming Colon cancer and my colon removed to try to prevent it. If its in hes genes he does have a 50 50 shot at passing this down to any children. First he needs to find out how the familys cancer started, and talk to his dr
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My opinion on the geneticist recommendations is: You might find out something that will make you miserable for the rest of your life.  We all have family history's of some kind and to say we need to find out before getting married is ludicrous.  It is along the same lines as someone telling us the exact day and the way we will die. Would you want to know? Up to you but my opinion is marry the man you love and take a chance that he or your children might NEVER have a problem with cancer and if they do - you deal with it just like thousands of people do everyday.  Just my opinion for what it is worth.
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Nice advice.
1275487 tn?1270907817
i just need to add that it is a cancer without polyps
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