449658 tn?1211304322

Are these symptoms of colon cancer?

I am a 26 year old female - I just had a laparoscopy and hysteroscopy with my gyno last week due to severe pain in my lower right abdomen.  I have pain when having a bm and pain all the time!  All I know so far is that she did see some adhesions on my colon - i will know more next week when i meet with my docotor for the follow up results.  I also have pain with intercourse and putting in a tampon.  Just wondering if any of this information is consistent with colon issues such as colon cancer - i've never had surgery - why would i have adhesions on my colon?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks!
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I'm not a doctor, but it sounds to me like you might have endometriosis.  Chronic pelvic pain, pain during and/or after intercourse and painful bowel movements are some of the most common symptoms.  It's definitely something to ask your doctor about at your follow up appointment next week.

Endometriosis occurs when tissue like that which lines the inside of the uterus grows outside the uterus.   It is most commonly found on the ovaries, the fallopian tubes, the outer surfaces of the uterus or intestines, and on the surface lining of the pelvic cavity, but it can also be found on the bladder, bowel, colon, appendix, and rectum.  Rarely, endometriosis implants can occur outside the pelvis, on the liver, in old surgery scars and even more distant areas. Endometrial implants, while they can cause problems, are benign (not cancerous).

Let us know how things go.  I hope you feel better and I wish you the all best.  

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I would agree with ipnotica’s impression.

Colon cancer starts from the inside of the intestines and hence, adhesions (which is on the external surface) is not a common feature. Most cancers are also painless, occasionally the only symptom may be weight loss.

The adhesions generally develop from irritation. For those who underwent surgery, manipulation tends to irritate the intestines. The endometriosis implants on the intestines, and the intestines would have a reaction against it – you can imagine a cycle of wound and healing over and over and hence scars and contraction becoming adhesions.
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