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At a CrossRoads....

About two years ago I started having troubles with my abdomen...I was at work one day and had been off my period for about two weeks and all of a sudden when I "pooped" so to speak there was copious amounts of blood in my stool and when I whiped...so I later had a colonoscopy to rule out cancer and Chrones but they did find little white somethings down in my small intestines and that I had some internal hemmorhoids and diagnosed me with IBS...now a couple of years later everything has been fine until about a month ago I had hemmorhoid like symptoms and got medicine for it and now I am still bleeding and its been weeks not as bad as I was and EVERYtime I go to the bathroom it HURTS as if it feels like a rip which causes me to bleed somemore...what scares me is that I have been reading things about colon cancer and its symptoms and all these things parallel with each other...I am scared that I am severely fatigued sometimes, bloody stools, alot of gas, and really bad abdomen pains at times and its just getting to the point its annoying and worrying me...I am only 22 but its possible what should I do and should I be concerned?
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All colon disease is NOT directly related to diet.  There is a heriditary form of colon cancer and although at 22 you are quite young to worry about cancer you should inquire about any family history of the disease.  Please speak to your doctor about your concerns.  Best of luck.

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Tonya....all colon health or related disease is directly connected to diet. Healthy diet equals healthy colon. Go on an all raw diet for a month. Your body will begin telling you what it needs through cravings but I warn you.... at first your body doesn't always recognize the difference between good sugars and bad sugars. If you crave chocolate at first or soda pop....drink orange juice or eat an apple until your body adapts to the change. No dairy, No meats, no breads or pastas and no processed sugars. You can use honey, 100% pure maple syrup, Stevia powder, Raw sugars and Agave nectar and pure vanilla or Almond. You can use a little sea salt if you need it and all of the powdered herbs but fresh herbs are ALWAYS best. Drink a lot of water and seriously focus on fresh greens and raw, organic, unpeeled foods.

The color and amount of blood in your stool will determine just how worried you should be. If the blood is red then it's not a deep internal bleeding type problem. If the blood is really dark or black and it's evacuating in amounts that are greater than what would issue from a deep cut on your finger then you might begin to worry some. If it's literally "POURING" from your body...it's something to urgently consider no matter what color it is but serious Hemorrhaging of this nature will almost NEVER produce bright red blood. If it's just primarily a panty liner amount or less it's most likely just an improper diet and insufficient fiber problem.
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