1557092 tn?1294588615

Blood from rectum

Hi I have had fresh blood for the last few days with and without bowel movement, my doctor said it is most likely the pile he felt just inside. I have just noticed when i got up this morning some small clots and blood stuck to my motion which has concerned me. I had a colonoscopy 3 years ago which was ok and it confirmed piles, i also had a polyp removed durig a prior colooscopy 5 years ago. I need to know if bleeding piles can cause my clots and bleeding before passing motion. I am well apart from this.
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Iagree with mammo's posting - do seek medical advice until a definite cause is established.  If necessary ask for a repeat colonoscopy

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I would seek a second opinion from another GI doc.  I know hemorrhoids cause bleeding but never heard of them causing clots and if they are, they need to be removed.
I wish you all the best and take care.
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