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Blood in stool every 5-6 months! Is this Cancer


32 M, living in London, had bright red blood in stools for 2-3 days and then nothing for 5 months, again it happened in April 2014 with bright red stool parts and got stool tests done two days later fecal occult and Pylori tests, both came negative, now just today I had bright red crimson red stool, what do you think this could be?????? This is driving me mad, can blood tests at times miss out bleeding???
I'm paranoid! Please advise.

3 Responses
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Hi. I have had the skin at my anus tear from passing very hard, dry stool. It tears the skin and stool passes by and gets blood on it. It does sound ur situation is different than mine.at the time I had a sigmoidoscopy  dx: chronic constipation. Doc said he saw scrapes and small tears at anus. Said it was not dangerous
So, when the skin tears it bleeds. Then stays red on the toilet paper...
I hope this will help u be less afraid . I have gotten used to it and try to eat high fiber and drink water. U r breaker than me. I have not had the courage for a colonoscopy.  Nicky
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280234 tn?1532986249
I would see a Gastroenterologist. I had blood & mucous in my stool for about 6 months to a year, and finally saw a GI specialist. Mine turned out to be diverticulosis, hemorrhoids, and a 1.1 cm tubulovillous adenoma (precancerous polyp) in sigmoid colon. It fortunately was benign, and hadn't turned to cancer yet. I have to follow up with him next month, and have routine colonoscopies now. :( I'm 34, female. My advice is never ignore rectal bleeding. It could be something totally benign such as hemorrhoids, or something more serious. Better safe than sorry.
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If you are facing this symptoms then go to doctor and  take a proper treatment. Find some time for yourself and your body.
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