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Blood on toilet paper but not stool.

I'm a 23 year old male,

In the past week I've noticed that I am bleeding after I take a dump. But I'm not straining or anything, it comes out naturally. At first the blood was on the very end of the tip the last part that comes out of the stool. Now there's no blood on the stool but only drips of blood drop out at the very end after all the stool comes out. There's blood on the toilet paper when I wipe, and it doesn't look like deep dark red color, just normal blood color that you would see when you wipe blood with a toilet paper, nor is it stinky or murky and squishy for the stool.

I'm too young to have color cancer, nor am I over weight. I also don't have any lower abdominal pain, so I really don't know what the problem is. Can someone help me describe this issue?

Side note: Don't have health insurance, so that might be a problem on seeing a doctor.

Lately, I've been raising my fiber intake by eating a lot of veggies. How long should I wait with trying this new diet before I should really ask for help?
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Symptoms of hemorrhoids include:
Anal itching
Anal ache or pain, especially while sitting
Bright red blood on toilet tissue, stool, or in the toilet bowl
Pain during bowel movements
One or more hard tender lumps near the anus
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Haemorrhoids (piles) is the commonest cause for painless bleeding into the stool. Piles or haemorrhoids is nothing but venous plexus (network of veins) in the anal canal, which, due to hereditary predisposition and constipation are enlarged and are dragged down, towards the anus. The first step towards therapy would be to combat constipation, which is done by drinking plenty of water, like doubling your usual intake. Adding a lot of fiber rich food in your diet like green, leafy vegetables and bananas. Consuming only whole grain cereals like rice or wheat and avoiding refined carbohydrates. Regularly exercising, as this helps in bowel movement.

Since you have already started taking fiber rich diet, your symptoms should resolve.

But if constipation is still not relieved, then a laxative can be used temporarily. For permanent cure, techniques like injection of sclerosant, banding, photocoagulation or surgery are done, depending on the degree of hemorrhoids. Its difficult to predict online the degree of  hemorrhoids. It would be best if you see a general surgeon or a gastroenterologist (physician or surgeon) initially for him to assess the degree of hemorrhoids to plan therapy.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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