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Bowel problems...

I am a 20yr old female, for the last 15 months now I have been passing blood in my stools. The blood is nearly always bright red, sometimes it can be black. I went for a barium enema nearly 12 months ago. A polyp was discovered in my upper bowel. I then went for a colonoscopy which was done by a trainee doctor. Apparently no polyp was visible and I was discharged from hospital. I have continued to pass blood ever since. I have visited my doctor numerous times, only to be send away with meds for hemmeroids, which im pretty sure I don't have. There is no discomfort in my rectum. Right now I am pretty frustrated. Aswell as passing blood, my stools differ. I can be quite constipated one day and the next I will have diarrehea. Somtimes there is mucous along with the stool. I have also been suffering from stomach cramps which can last upto hours which are very uncomfortable. The cramps occur most in my right hand side. I have lower back pains aswell.  I feel tired and have little energy. I feel very dizzy at times. Can anyone help me? As this problem has been going on for so long I am starting to worry. I have a feeling something is not quite right.

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In my opinion your symptoms merit a more detailed medical examination than you have been given so far.

Black stools (medical name MELENA - look it up on google/yahoo etc) can be caused by upper (or occasionally lower) GI bleeding.  This requires proper medical examination (certainly an endoscopy and also a colonoscopy) and treatment.  I suggest that you insist on these procedures as a way of (hopefully) providing the maximum diagnosis and reassurance etc.

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The tiredness can point to anemia (I am being tested for this next week) - Have they tested you yet?

My sympyoms:
* Pain in right hand stomach
* Often pass blood / mucus
* Very tired / low on energy
* Alternating Loose stools / Hard Stools
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Your symptoms sound exactly like mine... Mine has been going on a little bit longer though... Sent you a PM :)
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