727090 tn?1268839348


Here it is: I'm 32 female, not overwieght, dont smoke/drink. In 2005 I was constantly being constipated/diarhea. Had all kinds of tests done. Barium CT. scan- showed nothing, blood work done- nothing, and finally a colonoscopy (2005)- showed nothing. They told me that they did'nt see a thing and just diagnosed me w/having IBS. Told me to take Miralax, and how to increase fiber in diet. This April i noticed that my bowels were changing again for the worse. I had a very hard time having a bowel movement. May the same thing. Finally this June i went to er and told them that taking Milk of mag did'nt seem to be helping. Blood work was done and nothing again. August i was in the er two more times w/upper right pain near liver and the other time was pain in lower right near appendics. Drank a bitter clear contrast and had a CT scan done. Nothing again. No diverticulitis or infammed bowel. Then shortly after that I began having SHARP pains in rectum that shot up to abdomen. Almost cryed!!:( Since then its constant every other day and even soft bowel movements would be hard to pass. I would have to press on the periannal area to make it come out. Then i noticed times of large, spots of bright red blood on paper and in the mucus of my bowel movement. It also feels like something blocking me from passing gas/bm and like something BIG is stuck in the rectum. My moms sister had polyps removed and non cancerous. She was having the same probs i list.
How long does it take for a polyp to turn to cancer?
I had the colonoscopy done in 2005, could i have cancer this soon after showing no polyps on the test??
I'm scared and the er dr.s told me there was NO reason for me to come back. When is it serious enough to go to er?
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I can sympathize with what you are going through I have been experiencing the samething since 2007...they did a colonoscopy on me then it was clear but saw small white fragments in my low intestine when they did the barium ct on me and diagnosed me with IBS now two years later it is like it has flared up and I am having these weird symptoms as well where  I am always gassy go to the bathroom alot and it hurts and the bleeding is still there so I am wondering if those little white specs have turned into something else and causing me to have pain
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All I can suggest is that you request another colonoscopy.  Perhaps it may also be a good idea to "start again" at a new hospital.  I don't live in the USA but I understand that there are clinics such as the Mayo Hospitals which specialise in G.I. disorders "starting right from the beginning and pursuing your complaint until it passes the finishing line" so that there is no ambiguity.

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