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Can any1 please answer?

Hi im a 23yo male and for about 6 months iv had thin stools, mild low abdominal pain, mucus and latly iv been fatiqued. so i went and visited a doc at first i had a fecal occult and cbc with other blood tests. All were normal. The syptoms still persisted and went to see a gastro doc and he did a digital rectal which was 'outstanding' fine. He sent me away with an 'irritible colon' after a few months i am very fatiqued and went to doc who thought it was a sleep apnea had more bloods taken iron cbc ect. The next day i noticed a red jelly thing on the toilet paper i smugged it and it smeared red/orange so made another appointment my blood test was fine. I spent 2 hrs with a doc explainin my aniexty and had left with another referral. Is there a chance that it could still be cancer. Im pushing as much as i can for a colonoscope but not yet spoke to the gastro doc again
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This doesn't tell them what is happening in the colon.
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Just spent time up a&e and did a digital rectal exam and felt my abdomin and had a listen the doc just said it was a bad onset of ibs after passin just mucus all day after diareah this morning
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446049 tn?1649005835
You need to see a Gastroenterologist and be examined and most likely will send you for GI series or colonoscopy. Blessings!
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You definitely need a colonoscopy, they have no way of knowing what is going on in the bowel without viewing it. You very rarely see colon cancer in someone as young as you, and there are other causes for your symptoms.  But it concerns me that with all their tests they cannot come up with an answer for you!  Keep pushing for the scope, you know this isn't right.  While their doing the colonoscopy you should request an endoscopy to view your stomach as well.  It's good that you are staying on top of your health, this is what will keep you healthy for a long time.  Be persistant!  I wish you all the best and take care!
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I forgot to mention that my stools are not always thin somtimes there flat other times they look nearly normal i do see dark patches in my stool and stool that ir mixed color
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