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Can anyone help me

Hi, I am a 25 year old male. I've been having excessive gas release for 4 days... It all started on Wednesday when i woke up with a stomach pain. The stomach pain is almost gone now, but the flatulence scares me a lot... I tried to find the reasons for the flatulence and what i have read is that it can be symptom of colon cancer... The stool for now is OK. I really want to know the first sign of colon cancer. What I've also read is that all this can be stress related and I've been under stress for a long time almost falling into depression... Please help!
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Hi... It all started two weeks ago... Now it's better... The pain lasted for two days, but the gas release continued for a week... Now it's better... All  I am thinking about is colon cancer... It petrifies me...
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For how many days you are facing this problems, If you are facing it for a very long time then you need to consult to doctor. Don't be in depression at all. First of all take an appointment and ask your doctor why you are getting so much pain because sometimes due to constipation also we get lot of stomach ache.
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