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Colon Cancer possibilities?

Hi, Im male 24 years old. For quite some time now Ive been bleeding every time I go to the toilet to have a poo. I go normally, in the begining I wasnt worried, then I thought I might have hemorids and that it would go away on its own but now Im quite frightened.

Im going to see a doctor as Ive talked it over with my mother but now Im scared of the possiblity that I have Colon Cancer. I dont always have pain when I go, but sometimes I do....the blood is very red and liquid.
I remembered that my fathers mother had colon cancer and this scares me even more....I dont know what the difference is between cancer and hemoroids.
Do you think that I have colon cancer?
Im going to go to the doctor, what sort of procedures do you think he may do to check me out?
Thank you for your time
16 Responses
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After reading all your comments and worries, I fell you definitely have IBS.
I have IBS and all the symptoms you are explaining are the same as what I have.
Some days I bleed a little if I am a little constipated which has caused piles.
Other days I have diarrhoea really bad which last for days. My stomach becomes bloated very tender with spasm. I was given Spasmonal of which are very good for these. Also try Fybogel. This may help you too.
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I suggest that you ask for a colonoscopy which is a very comprehensive test and can certainly identify colon cancer if it is present.

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Please let me know what your advice may be, write an answer here on the forum. Did you have cancer?
Im 24 and very scared, on monday Ive got a blood test, urine test, I have to give a sample of my pheasis and Im going to see the specialist all in the same day.

Please any advice? I still have diarreah.....do you think its cancer?
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bugger... erm.... not sure how to give you my email :(
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mate.... give me an email ***@**** I have simular problems in the pass and may be able to offer advise.
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212161 tn?1599427282
i think you will be ok, it could be I.B.S  i have that it it causes the problems your having you need to relax, and let us knowwhat dr says,
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Ive got another doctors appointment for tomorow...Id really appreciate some advice on what to say to the doc. Basically I started feeling ill and had diarrea and stomach cramps and a fever. I went to the doctor and he said he thought it was food poisoning and gave me antibiotics, and something to stop the diarrea. The medicine was 3 days worth. After two days my stomach was better and I didnt have a fever and after three days no stomach cramps and no fever but Ive still got diarrea and now theres some blood. I feel a lot of pressure and discomfort when I have the diarrea....I go about twice a day.
My concerns is that all this has something to do with my initial visit to the doctor(my doctor back home-1st post-) If you read my first post Ive been bleeding for some time and went to see the doc, he said it was probably hemmoroids and he gave me some things to change, eating habits, excersise, etc.
But Im worried its not hemooroids and that my diarrea now and problems im having are something serious like colon cancer,
Anyone have any opinions, advice, maybe things to say to the new doc tomorow¿?

Im just tired, Ive been to the doctor, done everything by the book.....but Im still feeling uncertain and worst of all sick. Ive had diarrea for 7 days now, although my fever and cramps have gone, my mother says that if it was food poisoning the diarrea wouldnt last so long, Im scared and worried and tired....
thanks for listening
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none has anything to say?
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please any opinions Im worried?
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Well...Ive been to the doctor, on monday I went with my mother. I explained all my syptoms and he asked me a whole load of questions about my eating habits, lifestyle, etc, etc. My mother expressed the worries we had because my fathers mother died of colo cancer.
The doctor said that he thought it was probably hemmoroids and that after having listened to my syptoms and my liefstyle he said he thought it was hemorroids.
He then did an exploration sticking his finger inside, it wasnt very pleasent and I moved around a bit, not because it was sore it was just not nice.
He said he saw nothing externally but that the hemnorroids could be internal.
Hes given me some things that he wants me to do....change my eating habit, do some sort of sport, walking, joging etc.....and hes given me a time frame of 2 months.....after those two months hes ordered a full blood test. He was going to give me the blood test now, but because I dont live in that city anymore(I live away from home) he says that we ll try and change my habits and see what happens in 2 months.

Now that same day I ate a burguer and afterwards I started to feel real bad....I now have diareahh for 3 days and have bad tummy aches, along with fever. Ive been to my new doctor in the new city where I live and hes given me medicine because he says it probably is food poisoning........the thing is Ive talked to my mother and shes worried....she says maybe my doctor when he was doing the exploration touched something inside and has made me sick?
COuld this be possible? Should I still worry about the colon cancer?¿
What opinions do you have about everything?
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889051 tn?1241060110
Its hemmoroids because my dad pooped blood and sometimes worse ,but hes a truckdriver.

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I was 46 when I was diagnosed.  My symptoms were bleeding (a LOT), fatigue and severe pain.

Try not to worry too much.  You are very young to have colon cancer, it is very unlikely.  You are much more likely that you have hemorrhoids.  But its a good idea to be seen by a doctor.  A couple of days will make very little difference except that I'm sure you want to get this over and done.

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So do I sound like I have colon cancer?¿ Wouldnt other syptoms appear as well.....Im going back home on friday, next week and have a doctors appointment on the monday.

DO I sound like I may have colon cancer?¿
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How old were you?

Im really scared .....I have to wait a bit before I go to see the doctor because the appointments take quite a while. If I had cancer would there not be any other signs as well?
Im trying to find differences between cancer and hemorroids but I know I wont....just hope my doctor appointment gets here soon and get it over with.
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I'm glad to hear you are going to see a doctor.  Although you are a bit young for colon cancer, you do have family history so that is a worry.  Bleeding from the rectum is not normal and should always been investigated.

The doctor will do a rectal exam and an occoult blood test, and if it is positive will probably order a colonsocopy.  That will not be bad, although the prep for colonoscopy is annoying.  Its well worth having these tests.  I had rectal bleeding and a family history of colon cancer.  I ignored it for a long time, thinking it was hemmorhoids.  It was cancer and by the time I sought medical help I had a stage 3 tumor.  You are wise not to wait.

Please post again and let us know what happens at your doctor.  Good luck, I'm hoping its just hemmorhoids.

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