1506869 tn?1289774147

Colon Cancer symptoms???

For the past 8months or so i have had intermitten bleeding in my stool and bright reb blood on my tissues. It is a fair amount to raise concern. I do not have hemroids, i have not eaten and sharps/hard food that can cuse scaarring, i have no ulcerations i am aware of, and i live a relatively healthy life style. I have been readding the symptomsfor colon cancer both localand systemic and have a few of the symptoms such as thin stool, loose stool, tarry appearance at times, i have been quite fatigued at times, and occasionaly jaundice with nausia.

As i have no family Doctor what are the steps/concerns i should be aware of and where should i go first?

I am 33, married, with a 9 month old daughter.
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He should have referred you to a Gastroeneterologist, he's doing this backwards.  You don't see a surgeon unless you need surgery.  A general surgeon cannot and will not do the proper testing to determine what is wrong, and he will most likely refer you to a Gastroenterologist, just wasting valuable time and money.
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1506869 tn?1289774147
Saw a family doctor this morning. Sent in for blood work and refered to a general surgeon for further investigation.
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You need to see a Gastroenterologist for a full evaluation.  Anytime there is blood in the stool, it needs to be investigated.  Your fatigue may be due to the blood loss. While waiting to see the doctor, eat yogurt enriched with probiotics.  Take care.
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