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Colon cancer?

I'm 14 and I have been having blood in my stool since last decmber. Off and on but lately it has been every time.... It's a redish colon kinda like if you get a cut and it's bleeds, it's like that color.
This is scaring me  and I don't know wat to do. I'm scared it could be serious... Im scared to tell anyone. But can someone at lest make me less scared and tell me wat it could be?
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First of all when you have health issues like this you really need to talk to someone.  

Most of the time if the blood is bright red such as in a cut it is coming from either a hemorrhoid or a fissure (which is a tear in the anus).  Both of these things are not serious but painful and can be treated.  Constipation can sometimes lead to these.
If the blood is dark it usually means bleeding somewhere higher in the digestive system and more worrisome.

Please talk to someone so you can get treatment and find out exactly what is going on.  It will only get worse without treatment.  

Try to relax though I dont believe that you have cancer.But you need to talk someone and see a doctor 14 is young to have this going on and you need to make sure nothing else is going on.  Good Luck to you.
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