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Colon problems

Hello!  My girlfriend Emily has been having some problems that just worsened recently and thinks it might be her thyroid but isn't sure.  For 9 months she has noticed a slight bump on her stomach area around the colon I think.  She thought it was her Hernia...which she had when she was younger and had surgery.  There was no pain.  It may also be important to mention she's anemic.  For the past month though she's experienced pain right before her bowel movements, and it leaves after she goes.  She has been eating regularly but has lost about 15 pounds in the last few months.  Also for about five days she wasn't able to have a bowel movement...this was about 3 weeks ago now.  She has been light headed the past few days and felt like she's had what she is referring to as food poisoning that she thinks she got from bad lettuce.  she went to a surgeon yesterday [that did her hernia surgery when she was in elementary school].  He said it's def. not hernia, and thinks it might be an overactive thyroid.  Any other thoughts out there about what it could possibly be?  Could it possibly be colon cancer?  She is a healthy 22 yr. old.  Any need for concern?
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I think it would be wise for her to make an appointment with a GI specialist. While colon cancer is very rare in people under 40, it's not uncommon. Those symptoms can be a sign of things other than colon cancer such as IBS, Crohns, or ulcerative colitis. The bump on the abdomen definatly should be checked out. Keep us posted on how she's doing!
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1092854 tn?1292620351
Im no Dr but she knows her body best and I would have to say keep pushing till u find out what is going on. The 2 big things I know about is Celiac's and Crohn's my mom has Celiac's and I go Monday to see if dr is right with thinking I have Crohn's. I have bouts of diarreha, weight loss and pain (my lower right side) and yes at her age it is when Crohn's is normal found age 20 to 30. Im almost 31 and Iam going to have a colonoscopy done and hope they can tell me something with that. good luck and keep me posted. look up both of these and see what u think.

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