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Colonoscopy results and second opinions??

Hello! I posted this on the 'ask a doc' forum, but thought I would post here as well since experiences from other patients can be so valuable :)!

I would like to know if people ever get 'second opinions' after colonoscopies with findings such as what were included on my recent report (see below) with an adeonoma polyp.   I am a 45-year old pre-menopausal female with no known colon cancer in the family, but had a colonoscopy because of anemia of unknown causes.

Here is what was found on my colonoscopy:

5 mm tubular adenoma negative for high-grade dysplasia or malignancy (it also mentions semi-sessile in the report).

I cannot see the doctor for follow-up discussions for another month, so I am really anxious about what this might mean.   The nurse did tell me that he wants to see me back in 5 years instead of 10, so it sounds like they aren't too concerned with the results.

I was actually shocked by this finding, as I understand it is not cancerous, but is pre-cancerous.  Even though it was removed, I am afraid of the following:

1.  What if it wasn't removed completely? How can they be sure without taking a second look?
2.  What if there were others that they didn't find?

What would be gained by getting a second opinion or even a second colonoscopy? That is NOT what I want to do, but also don't want to wait five years and live in a heightened state of anxiety.

Any thoughts from those who have experience with colonoscopies/polyps and have 'been there done that'??
4 Responses
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Thank you :)))) I will check it out right now :)) I appreciate it very much!
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Here is a website that will help you.  Take care!

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Thanks, Mammo :))  They did tell me it WAS pre-cancerous (but not malignant, meaning it was not currently cancerous, but that it COULD potentially years down the road).  I do understand that they are slow-growing, and you are probably right......if they had any doubts they would not want to wait that long.  I think when I heard the words 'pre-cancerous' that it really freaked me out.    I am still going to ask if I can have it done before 5 years, but I am not nearly as panicky as I was those first few days.   Do you know what the actual risk is, Mammo, for a tubular adenoma?? I am going to see if I can research and find out a number.........I think that would reassure me further :)  If you have this info., please share. Thank you for your response, by the way!  
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It states in your report that it was negative for being malignant or pre-cancerous.  Tubular adenomas are polyps which carry a very low risk for turning cancerous.  Once a polyp is found they want to see you sooner because this means you are at risk for developing more, but doesn't mean you will.  You should be seen in 5 years when you turn 50 regardless of them having found a polyp.  Polyps are slow growing.  I would relax, they remove polyps everyday and if they had any doubts they wouldn't want to wait 5 years.  Hope this helps, and I wouldn't worry.
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