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Could I have colon cancer?

I am a ninteen-year-old female, and last year I started experiencing some strange symptoms. In May of '08, my menstrual cycle was irregular for the first time. My period was very heavy and lasted for almost four weeks. Sixteen months later, I am still experiencing this problem, but because I have a friend with the same condition, I have not been very concerned. However, about eight months ago I started having bowel- related symptoms that are worrisome. First, I had constipation for a week, followed by a bout of diarrhea. This alternating cycle of constipation and diarrhea has been happening for the last eight months. Also, I have noticed small amounts of blood from my rectum on several occasions and I have slight abdominal pain. I also swear that I can feel several small growths inside my lower abdomin. I know that colon cancer is very rare for someone my age, but I am still worried. I want to know if my symptoms are caused by a women's health related issue (such as endometriosis or a kind of reproductive cancer) or if I have colon cancer.  I am really scared because, if this is colon cancer, I have let it get way out of hand and it is probably past an untreatable stage. Can someone give me advice on what to do next?
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Colon cancer is treatable and "recoverable from" if detected/treated early.  Even if you are in the very very rare category of patients who have developed colon cancer at such an early age, you would surely meet the criteria of "early detection >>>early treatment >>> full recovery".

I suggest that you type in rectal bleeding to google and click on one of the many sites that describe this complaint.  The Medicinenet site is particularly informative.  Then, with some background knowledge of the various possible causes, I suggest that you seek medical advice.  In your case the causes are more likely to be minor - such as anal fissure and/or haemorrhoids - but, unless your doctor can make a positive diagnosis (and a positive diagnosis does not include " well it looks as if it might be ....anal fissure/haemorrhoids/???")  I sugegst that you request a colonoscopy which will detect colon cancer if you are unlucky enough to have developed it.

Good luck and I hope that your understandable worries turn out to be ill-founded.

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Colon cancer is very rare in people your age but not unheard of. I would definatly suggest at the very least visiting your family doctor or a GI specialist. They may be hesitant to order a colonoscopy given your young age but you are the patient and you know your body better than they do. Like morecambie said, colon cancer is a very treatable and curable disease if caught early. I hope this information helps. Keep us updated!
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Hi, I have had similiar experienes. I have been having periods that have lasted for approx 11-13 days and I began to get slight pelvic pain and sometimes felt that something was pulling inside me when I walked. I had also tried to get pregnant for 6 plus years without success. On doing a laparoscopy it was discovered I had adhesions that had stuck my bowel, ovarys and Fallopian tubes together(and dilation of the bowel). It has made me infertile and gynys did not know what it was. I was referred to a bowel specialist for their opinion and after having a colonoscopy they found ulcers on my colan and a stricture. Due to the ulcers and the dilation they now think I have diverticular/crohns disease.  They are now sure that I do not have cancer but I need a bowel resection, my ovary and Fallopian tube removed and possibly a hysterectomy. Op is booked in for end of jan 2010. They are hoping to find out more when they operate. I recommend you getting yourself checked out. Prevention is better than cure.  
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