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Could I have colon cancer??

I am an 18 year old female and very scared. So for a little less than a month I have been having been have blood in my stool. I am awaiting my colonoscopy but am freaking out because I still have a week and a half until that. I do have a family history of colon cancer including my great grandma, two great aunts, my dads cousin, and my aunt who passed away at age 37 of colon cancer. I already had a fecal occult blood test done and it came back positive. I am curious to what others think??
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446049 tn?1649005835
You need to talk to a doctor and fast. I also had a family history of colon cancer and disregarded
the diverticulitis flareups until it scared me enough to see my doctor who sent me for a sigmoidoscopy which showed a tumor. That led me to a full colonoscopy where I was diagnosed
with stage III colon cancer. It had spread to some of my lymph nodes so I needed a couple of surgeries to remove it and some chemo and glad to say I'm in total remission now. Early detection is the key. I wish you all the best!
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